
  • Thanks setareh for the elaboration.

    Yes setareh, it is only possible when love reaches the level of ISHQ.

  • I think it means when you like to do something do it and try to do your best no matter if others are there giving you applause or not. when you first learn to love yourself then you can love others without any expectation and when you don't expect anything in return for your love, you won't be hurt.

    Dear Mishaikh, but in reality it is so hard to be in this way; that's why when we don't get applause we stop. when we love we get hurt. It is actually easier said than done.

  • Peacock is one of the beautiful bird on earth, but her legs are not beautiful.  Moon is symbol of beauty, but it also has spots on it...................NOBODY IS PERFECT!

  • Yes it is saba!

  • It depends on definition of heaven by people. Every body may have a different definition for heaven.

  • Yes Batuhan, 'Love and hurt or be hurt are always go together."

    • "Love does not hurt
      Loving the wrong person does"
    • But when we fall in love we do not have slightest idea about the "so called beloved"
      We come to know after the flood has passed leaving behind the debris.

    • loving someone gives us happiness, inner peace in just one case IF you get back same level of love.. otherwise it hurts a lot.

    • هاں وه نهیں وفا پرست جاؤ وه بے وفا سهی
      جن کو هو جاں ودل عزیز ان کی گلی میں جاۓ کیوں

      The poet says yes my beloved is not loving me, (she is not loving),

      "don't advise me to stay away from her.  Those who care their life/heart avoid to go into her street."

      (Not a nice translation)

      You see the lover still wants to love, in spite it is hurting.  

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