2014b: Week 7b: 23 October 2014

(1) Discussion: Superstitions

(2) Answers to random questions (if time permits)

P.S. Liu Yufan, pse remember we will have a video lesson in Week 8 on Tuesday, 28 October. Kindly find out whether we can get a media room for that class. Thank you.


13 - W7b - Discussion - Superstition.pdf

13 - W7b - Discussion - Superstition audio.mp3

13 - W7b9b - Random questions.odt

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    • Yes Zhou Ying, I think you're right about superstitions being vested in fear and ignorance, amongst others. People need something or a person bigger than them for protection. We are all made like that to look up to and to seek the One who created us. If there is no religion, then people tend to become superstitious as they seek their protection and 'luck' in other strange ways.

  • Hi,teacher.I have know the content next class.I have know the varies superstitious ,and we will review the vocabulary and discuss questions about it.About the superstitions,I have to say,china have many superstitious,for example,people can't put an umbrella on the head,when a person died,her or his familys can't wash the clothes before a day,and so on.I think,now more and more people can't believe the superstitions,because people have more science knowledge,but long ago,people can't use their knowledge to explain the strange things,so they just think it .as the technology advanced,pelple will change previous thoughs.and I am not superstitious,I think it is unbelievable,although the superstitious spread from generation to generations.finally,I think this topic is very interesting,I am looking forword to next class.

    • Glad to read that you are not superstitious, Amy. I agree, it is more a phenomenon among the older generations where the people do not have the knowledge and are quite ignorant. Just a pity that they still pass their strange beliefs on to their children ... Hopefully the children's eyes would open to these funny ideas!

  • Hi,teacher. We will discuss superstition next class. I'm a materialist because I think the material determines consciousness.But sometimes,I'm superstitions.It's a bit contradictory,but that's true.In fact,I really afriad of ghost,even can't listen to ghost strories.China does exist many superstions behaviors.Such as,many people think "four"is a unluck number because in Chinese, the pronunciation of it is similar to dead. And after a person dead,we will burn paper money every year.I also heart that for westners see black cats are unluck.I have to say that the topic is really interesting.See you.

    • Hou Yan, you said the topic is interesting, but in today's class you were very quiet ... or was it your partner who didn't give you proper chances to speak ..?! Yes, to my dismay I already discovered in my first year in China that the Chinese people are extraordinarily superstitious. I think I know why; if you want to read what I said, you may read my reply to Liu Yufan. 

      But about your comment regarding the black cats and the westerners, it is only partly true. Of course there are also many westerners who are superstitious; but not all of us see a black cat as bad luck. It is only a few people. Unfortunately Hollywood is portraying that in their movies as if it is a common custom among foreigners, but that's not true. I love cats (more than dogs!) and I had quite a few cats in my life, amongst others, two black cats, and I loved them very much! So, no prob with black cats! :)

  • Good evening!I read the content just now.Next lesson we will discuss a series of problems about superstition.In my opinion,superstition is unscientific.In science is not developed,people always imagine many things to explain the magic.So superstition should not be recommend.But some superstitious expressed the people's hope for the better,these can be traditional customs as the auspicious omen.That's all.See you tomorrow!
    • Yes Mary, superstitions can't be acceptable to intellectual people (like students!). I would like to believe that it is more the older generations who are superstitious as they are ignorant and not as well educated as today's students. But funny, there are still some students who are superstitious (passed down to them from the parents and grandparents). That it difficult for me to understand as intellectual people should be clever enough to see through the falseness of superstitions. Would you agree?!

  •  Hello,teacher!I have known the advice you give to us about the comment.The next class,we'll learn something about the superstition ,do some word practice and answer some questions.Sorry,teacher,because my computer can't  get into the website,therefore,i didn't read your reply until yesterday.Thanks for giving me some suggestions.Firstly,i shouldn't have always retold the content of the class,i should give some advice about the class,i will do it.Additionally,you said i was too quiet in your class.Yes,i did miss Crystal,but it wasn't  the reason.In fact,i really hope that i can have more chances to speak English,beacuse i really like it!So,i will find more chances to speak English in front of my classmates.What's more,after you ask a question,i don't know you will ask one student to answer  it or all of us can answer,so,i don't know if i can give my answer!Actually,i'm not a quiet person,i like speaking!Especially English!Thanks for giving me the advice and i will correct my shortcomings. 
    • So Maxine, could you follow the lesson today? Some students said it was very difficult to them .. Yes, it is difficult to let many students speak to the whole class as we don't have that much time, and it is also not practical as then only one student speak and the others sit. That is why we do discussions in small groups and pairs that more students can get the opportunity to speak. I guess you would understand that. :)

  • Hello, John, next lesson we will discuss about the topic of superstition. In the picture have some superstitious customs, but  there are some difference with Chinese culture.I am an incomplete superstitious people, Some things can not do not believe, but also can not believe all. Although we should use scientific eye and watch the world, but there are some things is mysterious., We can explain this when  science and technology develop to a higher level perhaps. In Chinese culture, the mirror can not face the bed in the bedroom, Step on well  covers will bring bad luck, Had better not comb your hair in the middle of the night, Walk in night as far as possible don't look back, because there are three fires in our body, back to the head will put out a fire at a time, And don't live in hotel in the last room.Can't put the slippers direction toward the bed, Don't take the subway or bus of the end and so on. These are very mysterious. Looking forward to the next class discussion, good-bye teacher.

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