2014b: Thursday, 9 October

First class of the new semester! Welcome back to everyone! Hope you had a great summer vacation! Unfortunately, due to some changes to the internal functioning of the university, I only received my timetable this afternoon (8 Oct) and our first class will only be tomorrow, 2nd class, at 203 Yunhui.

Tomorrow's class will be a relaxed class. We won't do the "Listen to the News by Tara"; we'll do that from next week. The lesson tomorrow will have two sections.

1. Short exercise in Attitude:

"Your Attitude is your Altitude; it determines how high you fly" - writer unknown

2. Brief reminders:

In this exercise we'll discuss a few (not more than 3 each) of the most significant memories in our lives, why it is important to us, why we would always remember them, etc. We'll also get the opportunity to ask each other questions about our memories. Work in groups of four, with later feedback to the class.

P.S. You don't need to comment on this lesson as it is too short notice and there is no material you can look at for the lesson. But if you would just like to say 'hello' or have a chat with us, you are welcome! You may even tell us about your activities during your holiday! I will read every comment (as in the past) and will reply where necessary. ;-)



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