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Some history facts

I translated the article
I have put my explanation in brackets next to words that might be difficult to understand.
I have put asterisks before two words to indicate my disagreement with the text. I think that in these places the word with the meaning "present", "modern" or "current" is missing. But for the rest, I agree with the author.

By the way, I took this map of other ancient cities of the Belarusian land from another source.


So, my translation.

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years," the  *Belarusian capital appeared in 1067, but today artefacts have been found, which put this date in doubt, reported in the programme News "24 Hours" on STV channel (Belarusian TV).

Archaeologists of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences have been excavating in the archaeological complex on the Menke River for several years. According to scientists, it was the heart of the  *Belarusian statehood. The city existed until the beginning of the XII century, but after that there was an outflow of population to the new capital on Svisloch River, built by Prince Gleb. Today, scientists are faced with the task of finding convincing evidence of a more ancient history of the Slavs on the Minsk land.

Andrei Voytekhovich, head of the Department of Archaeology of the Middle Ages and New Times of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, says:

- We are now studying the rampart of the Gorodishche ( Hillfort (=Gorodishche) is a place where the remains of a fortified settlement have been preserved or traces have been found during excavations where there once was a city, town (from the Old Slavic "goroditi" = "to build fortifications around") - in the times of the ancient Slavs, permanent fortified settlements, where intercommunal exchange often took place; a defensive complex. ) in order to find the remains of wooden structures (either burned or left intact) to take samples and conduct various analyses that modern science allows us to do in order to obtain accurate dates and with the help of this to establish when this settlement, which probably appeared at the end of the IX century, acquired specifically the status of a city.

Pay attention, the scientist says about the end of IX century, though at the moment the founding of Minsk reports from the middle of XI century, and the beginning of first constructions scientists refer to the X century.

At the moment, the counting of the history of Minsk (Menska, Meneska, Mineska) is based on the Chronicles. The first mention of the city in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is dated 3 March 1067 and is connected with the bloody battle at Nemiga River. In adaption into modern language the text of Chronicle sounds as follows: "In the year 6575 (1067). Vseslav (Polotsk`s), son of Bryachislav, raised the army in Polotsk (started the war) and occupied Novgorod. Three sons of Yaroslav: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, having collected soldiers, have gone to Vselav in strong frost. And have come to Mensk, and people of Mensk have shut in city. Brothers have taken Mensk and have killed all husbands, wives and children have grasped in captivity and have gone to Nemiga, and Vseslav has gone against them. And the opponents met on Nemiga of the month of March in the 3rd day; and there was a great snow, and they went against each other. And there was a cruel fight, and many fell in it, and defeated Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Vseslav fled"....



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