To find the love and lose it one day:

Here I mean anyone that had find his/her real, true, mutual love (you love him/her and he/she loves you). It doesn't matter if it was a partner or even husband/wife). They lived together and enjoyed life for some time. Everything was good and seemed paradise.

But one day something had happened and he/she lost it.

Never even to find it:

Here I mean anyone that lived the whole life and didn't find his/her real love.

It was always only the one-sided love (you love somebody, but he/she doesn't love you or vise versa) or even just attraction.

Thank you for your honest answers!

I wish everyone have had found the true love!

So, the most people think, the first option is better. And I think the same.

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  • But this is not in our power Roman, 'finding/getting and/or loosing. It just happens, one finds it involuntarily and knows about the feelings he/she has for somebody, or if even try to find not necessarily be successful. In the same way he/she loses also.  But if for the sake of discussion I would also prefer the second option. Because it takes you away (mostly) from your other life obligations. Below is a translation from a Urdu poet:


  • Hi Diah!

    Ofcourse it is much better to choose the third option with long lasting love and happiness:)

    Yes, both options are so tragic and sad!

    Thank you for your honest answer!

  • Hi Sri Harsha!

    Yes, you have noticed it very clearly!

    Thank you!

  • Hi Rosemary!:) Thank you very much! :)

  • well, Roman....

    My very honest answer is... not one of those above. I choose my long lasting happiness. Both options are so tragic. Really, I will make third option: to find my love and be with him forever.

    BUT, I can choose no. 1 if the death separate me and my partner, not because he found somebody new :)

  • We only can loose the person who we love or the one who is being love ... But not the emottions and memories
  •      Hi :) I want to add something  , which , is compatibility  i think it is one of the major causes of stable love or marriage relations  :) 

  • :(

    I am sorry to hear that.

    Thank you for your honest answer, Wishes!

  • tumblr_meqh226sYA1qbqraqo1_500.gif

  • Hi Sobzz!

    Thank you for your nice words!

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