Handwriting analysis is an amazing tool for revealing personality and exploring human behaviour.  Handwriting analysis can quickly reveal such factors as your character, emotions, intellect, creativity, social adjustment , your desires , fears, weaknesses  and strengths. 

 What are the uses of handwriting analysis  ?

*Handwriting analysis can help you understand yourself.

*Handwriting analysis can help you understand other people.

*Handwriting analysis can help you choose a career.

*Handwriting analysis is also useful to an employer.

*Handwriting analysis can help you guard your health.

*Handwriting analysis can be a career.

One of the basic Concepts for analyzing handwriting:

1-Size: The size of the writing indicates the writer's desire to be noticed. 


 Likes bieng noticed, stands out in a crowd, makes an impression ,not given to  detail and can be egocentric.


 Adaptable ,fits into a crowd ,practical realistic  and works well with other or with oneself. 


 Introspective, not seeking attention, modest, pays attention to deatail,  good concentration and humble.

D-Very small:                                              

 Stays out of limelight, private ,introverted,good concentration, precise, low-key ,cerebral and can be selective.


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  • Nice post! I think the size of my handwriting is medium...I think what's written is true regarding me :P

  • Hi Kean waynes

    This explanation  often express our personality through handwriting.

     So,Are you convinced of this ???

  • Hello dear Spring,

    Thank you for takepart on my topic.

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