"The Roma"

Do you know anything about the Roma tribes ? There are communities around the world ,each bearing its own particular characteristics. We can find Roma who are nomadic or sedentary , living in rural or urban areas. Some tribes have retained their oral tradition , while others have adopted a minimum standard of literacy appropriate to their host country.

They are descendants of people who migrated from the Indian sub - continent about one thousand years ago.The moved to Eastern Europe and Asia and some of them reached America.

Although there are many spoken dialects , the Roma language is a direct descendant of ancient Sanskrit . 

The Roma males are talented musicians ,in Spain, both males and females earn their living through dancing and singing  to tourists.

Different organisations have been set up to protect the interests and civil rights of the Roma.In addition , they aim to educate people in order to change the negative stereotypes that exist in people's minds.When we talk about human rights we often  forget that these rights apply to all human beings , wherever they may be, whatever their lifestyle!

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