Imagine that you have won a competition and this is your prize:

The Bank opens a new account every morning and set 86,400$ in it, but you must notice two conditions:

1-You should spend all of money until night otherwise they will take back excess of money. You cannot cheat or transfer excess of money to the other accounts.

2-The Bank can close your account any time that he wants and say the prize is finished.

Please tell me how do you use this opportunity?

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    • Ok Elen I say... :)

      All of us possess this magic account  :” TIME”

      This account fills with seconds. We wake up every morning and 86400 seconds as the award is given to us and when we sleep at the night we cannot transfer the excess of seconds (that have not used) to tomorrow.

      We lose the moments if no use property. This blessing is given to us temporarily but the god can close account without foreknowledge. So valorize for yourself  and live with love.

    • Wow! Nice moral! Thanks for this :)

    • your welcome:)

  • Hmm... I don't know... Why must there be conditions like these?

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