There are things in this world which can't be explained by our RELIGIONS but can be explained by SCIENCE so if your religion says that a particular thing exist and science claims it doesn't  vice versa...... who would you believe in  SCIENCE OR YOUR RELIGION  and why......

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    • Hello Fatma....It is nice that you respect your religion...but no one should be bragging about his or her religion you claim that your religion which is Islam is the best .....What do u mean by "best religion" no religion can become a great or the best religion just because its followers are claiming that......Sorry to ask u  but do you have a certificate that certify that ISLAM IS THE BEST RELIGION..............I think we must criticize our own religion IF some of its claims seem amiss...................
    • Dear Narendra! You know how much I love you for your bright mind! It is strange that we haven't communicated before. I can't say there are the only two of us, but in EC there are a very few people who think like we do . Do you have an advanced degree in natural science? I do. Anyway, I can't help feeling admiration coming in touch with such sober bright mind as yours! I'd like to thank you for every pleasant moment I have reading your replies. It makes me sure that the mankind may survive! (Smile)
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    • Hello Peace, First of all sorry for responding to your comment so late....first claim of yours that scientific facts never contradict the Quran is just a false claim,do scientists need the guidelines from the Quran or any other religious books to prove something scientifically,if scientists had followed the guidelines of these religious books, they wouldn't have made so many discoveries,which they have.Those scientific facts which are in favour of quran ,you are willing to accept them without questioning them but what about so many of those which are completely against the claims made by the Quran.don't turn a blind eye to reality.............BYE
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    • Mimi, I am sorry to say that your God is  a myth! Christian religion is based on 16 pagan religions. The man you call Chist really existed but he was just a human being. He propagated  the faith in a single god that was quite progressive for that time. He was executed  and his followers decided to bury him at the secret place for Romans not to know where his grave was.  But he was not a son of a god, he was just a man. It is well-known that Josef, Maria's husband, was too old to give birth to children. But when she gave birth to  a kid, it was a miracle. Sure, those times were different. But  Maria was about to become outcast because of that. Jesus was a wedlock son of hers. She was a great woman for she made people believe in her son's being a god. I have studied religions for many years to be opposite to what you say


    • Dear Tomasito! It is not my version. All my opinions are usually based on some scientific sources. As to Chist, he lived at the times of Roman Empire and I have no doubts about his existence. There are many documents confirming that fact including his interrogation by Pilate. They were found in Jerusalem during the excavations about 30 (I am unsure, may be more) years ago. The man called Jesus Christ really lived on the earth. There were no passports but his true name was Joshua from Nazareth. In all Roman documents he is referred like that (spelling may be different). As to Maria, she was so proud of her son and it is quite understandable. Having an old husband, she didn't expect to have any kids. She did her best for others to believe him to be a God's child and it was the best she could do for herself.

      Well, if you like I can send you some links but the best book ever written on this subject is "Pagan Christ" by Robert Stone

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    • Hi, Hpc! That phrase has the same meaning but sounds differently :"How much is opium for the people cost?". It is from the movie called "12 chairs". That great fiction was written by Ilf and Petrov in early 1900's. It is classic
    • HI Ahmad... I have to ask you where it has been proven that things which have been mentioned in your holy book are real .....Which research are you talking about ....There is no miracle in this world ....IF there is no explanation of few things TODAY it doesn't mean that they are being done by any GOD , Hundreds of years ago there were so many things (SO CALLED MIRACLES) which couldn't have been explained by scientists but now they can be.....In the past also people claimed that science wouldn't be able to explain some particular things.........But now we have scientific explanation of those so called MIRACLES ................
    • HI Ahmad.......Let me tell you something about Nostradamus,you must have heard about him and his predictions,he made so many predictions most of them never came true.....But few of them  partially did come true.......So who was he??? ,was he a human being or a GOD.....What I am trying to say is that in The Quran so many things were predicted few of them might be true  but most of them are simply assumptions and are  logically wrong Because it has  been written by Humans not by any GOD.....let me give you an example -According to The Quran the Earth is FLAT.....As we all know it absolutely wrong............We have to be realistic................
  • Dear friends! First of all, I'd like to thank Narendra for starting this discussion. Modern people should be aware of their believes and actions. However, before starting any debates, we should have stated what we believe or disbelieve in. I hope that science doesn't need any representation. But what about gods? What is God for you and where it is? Is it some spirit, upper intellect or what? Does it exist on the heavens or in your heart? Why do you need faith? Are you afraid to die? Every thinking person should ask himself those questions and honestly answer to them. Theology is a branch of phylosophy. But it was people who created both. I am not going to reassure anyone. Faith is a matter of mentality. But being non-religious I have read a lot of books about religions to be able to ground my point of view. Why do those who are religious not do the same? Bible and Quran are not the only books ever written
    • Dear Fatma! This discussion is really great as it gives us free space for expressing our minds about the main: the headstone of our being. This question has always disturbed those who are not indifferent. Both science and religion are different branches of philosophy. Which one to choose depends on your mentality that is life experience of many generations in your particular society. Nobody is going to reassure you in your faith. This discussion is for people to express their minds freely, without feeling any outward suppression.  However, being a scholar I just have to say that science will never follow or support any religion. We will always be opposite although it was church that gave birth to science one day. We live in the modern world, we can't disbelieve science that explains us natural events and moves progress of the mankind. If there were no science, we would still live in caves!  But what about gods? Are there any confirmations of their existence? Do you really think that any woman can become pregnant of spirit or any dead body can arise from the deads  and  take to Heaven? Do you think that someone controls our lives? Honestly, it is a matter of your faith. But I still wonder how young educated people can trust fairy tales! Our desire to believe in gods is our desire to be immortal and a good tool for any government to control us. It has always been like that. But we are mortal. We should live our lives as we like because there will not be any others.


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