Last night our family was depress.My grandfather has been suffering from weakness and half body is not working.My parents decided to go for pilgrim places but they can't go due to my grandfather he is 89 years old.Our uncle and other family members showed negative response to go for pilgrimage for them.If my father and mother go,they will not be happy,suddenly if they heard bad news ,what would other people think.

Give me some suggestion.

What should my parents do ?should they go or don't go ?

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  • Hi Ravindra,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. 

    I believe he is suffering from a stroke which caused him to be paralysed on one side of his body. If you don't mind, tell me why your parents want to go to pilgrimage. Will this journey bring luck to your grandfather or perhaps help him recover from his illness? I don't mean to sound ignorant or anything because I have no clue what the journey is for.

    A lot of time religion is what we hold on to especially when we're in a desperate situation. It gives us hope, and very often miracle does happen. If this journey put your parents' mind in peace, then they should go. When they are back, they will be able to concentrate on taking of your grandfather or dealing with whatever might come. Your uncle and other family members can go instead if they don’t want your parents to go. After all, someone needs to be there for you grandfather’s sake.

    I will be praying for your grandfather.






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    • Dr llody

      Really u r great and your feeling towards me is also well.Thank a lot for your cordial support.

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