
  • To answer the OP (original poster), if you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you've got there?
  • Ednardo. What a great saying! Life is hard for those who are soft. That's fantastic. I never heard that in English. Perhaps the closest I heard is an Arabic saying:
    If the stone falls upon the egg, alas for the egg!
    If the egg falls upon the stone, alas for the egg!

    alas = what a pity
  • I think that´s the first thing to do is looking for help(friends, parents, psychologist or psychiatric) and tell then what´s going on.

    But I know that if someone think in death it´s because that person has no intention for life.

    My advice is don´t give up. Everybody have problems, everybody have broken relationships, everybody feel unconfortable...You are the one which been choosen.

    Where I live has a saying but I don´t Know if will be a good translate for english.

    The life is hard for those are soft.

  • When there is no intention, your are confused; you get tires so soon; you see no good use in living; you feel void. So even a tiny intention in life helps find out a meaning for life. A good tiny intention would be studying; then on the path of studying you most probably become aware of more important things in life; you may seek to find more meaningful intentions in life.

    Thanks for the discussion


  • there is reality in it 

    it leads  to boredom , and  gets  no where

    • thanks for replying to my topic. and i appreciate your opinion.

  • I think it's not possible. It seems like a ship without a captain. It goes nowhere.

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