
  • Hi Graham,

    Action verbs that cannot be followed by a direct object are intransitive. Verbs such as go, lie, arrive, sit, die, and sneeze, are always intransitive; they can not be followed by a direct object. Action verbs that are followed by an object are transitive verbs. 

    There are verbs that can be followed by objects but without requiring one. These verbs can both be used as transitive and intransitive verbs. 

    Common intransitive verbs: arrive, appear, collapse, belong, collide, die, disappear, emerge, fall, exist, go, nest laugh, happen, vanish, sleep, respond, rise, roost, nest, occur, remain.
    Intransitive verbs do not have a passive form because they cannot take a direct object. 

    Verbs that can be transitive and intransitive: stand (stand a lamp), sit (sit a child), demonstrate, agree, run, play, walk, and eat.  

  • Verb




    Could you move your car please?

    The trees were moving in the breeze.


    Taylor was found guilty of starting the fire.

    The match starts at 3 p.m.


    Marriage hasn’t changed her.

    The area’s changed greatly in the last decade.


    Close your eyes; I’ve got a surprise for you.

    Most shops here close at 5.30 p.m.


    Open the window; it’s too hot in here!

    The museum opens at 10 a.m.


    Greg tried to stop her from leaving.

    When the rain stopped, we went for a walk.


    Have you done your coursework?

    Joe’s doing well in his new job.


    Kate set a chair next to the bed.

    The sun was setting and a red glow filled the sky.


    Michelle used to run a restaurant.

    The path ran over the hill.


    Our cat lived till he was 10.

    He was living a life of luxury abroad.


    Have you washed your hands?

    I washed, dressed, and went out.


    Write your name here.

    Kevin couldn’t read or write.


  • Kevin,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have managed to answer my own question to some degree but your extra information is very useful.

    Thanks very much.


    • I think Kevin was being too nice to you. I know we should only answer your question first and then give extra information.

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