Hello there!
These days we live with the risk of corona, I understood better that I need to improve my English.
In short, if I introduce myself, I live in Turkey and I work as IT specialists. Besides, I am working on my own historical culture and world history. I also have psychological and spiritual research on humanity.
I love my job, reading, playing sports, good movies and music, science and technology, building good relationships with good people.
As your life experience expands, you have a lot to tell;)
I can openly say to everyone who will want to be my friend, you will find an honest person. I wish everything would be good for you ...

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    • All roads lead to Rome...or how it is said there. Everyone who searches to improve the language sooner or later comes here. The point is to be active as I said in the previous comment. Read/write/comment/chat...all these would help for sure. Good luck. )))) You are at the right place.

    • I get it and I'm on my way, thank you :)

  • Hi

    My name is Ankur Kumar and I am from India. I am pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science Engineering and I would like to be a machine learning engineer. I want to improve my english skills from writting, reading to speaking fluently that is why I joined this club. but now i think it will be more fun to make new friends and talk with them to improve engilsh skills and learn from them.

    I love to watch science fiction and action movies and in sport i love to play basketball. Currently i have completed my 6th semester of graduation and also studying machine learning.

    • İ love to watch sci-fi and action movies too. I also play basketbol but before I play football as an amateur, when I was about to be a proffessional I left my family didn't support and don't want it. I also love swimming with taking every opprtunity. By the way, my english is very rusty than I thought :)

      Thank you and see you Ankur!

  • Hello! I'm Eduardo and I'm an English learner too. I'd like to be your friend and talk about IT technologies. I'm retired but I worked in that field. Maybe I'm obsolete in the new things and concepts in this area but I'd like to know about they. I designed commercial systems like billing, inventary, account, payroll, human resources, and other aplications. I worked with IBM AS/400, IBM System 36, IBM System 34, HP 3000 and worked with nets too. I'd like to hear from you soon.

    • I'd like to be talk too and you have had very good works. I also worked in corporate companies and data centers in the past. I have been installing and runnig entertainment and esports based server systems for a while. I'm try to make a little much more time improve my english. I hope we have the time to talk soon.  

    • Thanks for answer me. I hope we can interchange experiencies about IT in the future. Yeah, the English is important in this area of work. Well. actually in this globalized world is necesary to do a lot of things.

  • Hi!

    Yes, it is one of the most comfortable, effective way to practice your English.You must be a wide reader too. I think I will learn a lot from you as well.I would to hear your stories too.


    Speak soon!

    • Hi Andy,

      Thank you for your sincerelly comment. There will be some delays due the time difference, a little bit of work and my life, sorry.

      But thanks to the advice of experienced friends like you and if I make a good program than little bit more work, I guess it would be better. I am very unfamiliar with being a wide reader. Actually I usually read documents related to my job. There are resources I read about my research and studies. Time to time, I read essays, biographies, poems etc.

      Speak soon too!

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    • I am definitely trying to use my time wisely, I am grateful that you understand me. I would like to talk to you about books, music and history. See you at an available moment,take care too!

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