A difficult person is someone who has a bad attitude. He or she could be arrogant, rude and self-centered.

Did you have any experience with him or her? How did you cope with the situation? Kindly cite your story on the comment box below.

Thank you in advance!

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    • But if he/she still followed you just to insulting you again and again, what will you do?
    • Nice response, Jenny! Thank you for your time sharing your point. :)

  • Hi Robbie bro . . .

    I've seen a lot but I try to keep myself away from such unbearable people . . .

    They cannot be my friend for sure . . .

    God bless . . .

    • I'm pretty sure you're doing the right thing, Mohammad! Thank you for taking the time to share your insights about this topic. God bless you too!

  •  It seems very hard to cope up with  difficult persons. Actually , it is very difficult to handle with the difficult persons. They have no mercy, kindness and respect to others. They think that they are the superior to others and and know everything more than others. Because of the selfishness, arrogance and bad attitude , they can not be made satisfied with the straight views and suggestion.  If we want to handle the difficult person , we should try to be the same as they are. I have an experience about a difficult person. At first it was very difficult for me to handle with him but later I found a good way to cope up with him. One evening around 7 pm. I was watching television . An unknown person telephoned me , I received the call. He started to talk with me but I knew that he was drunk. His voice was not clear. I told him that I was not the person you are telephoning to. I told him that it was a wrong number. But kept on talking . He told me that I was joking with him. I wanted to get rid of him but it was impossible . Suddenly, a thought came to my mind. I started to talk to him the way he was doing . I Pretended to be got drunk and began to talk with him the voice of a drunk man. When he heard my voice , he said that I was as drunk as he was and he kept the phone down.   

    • Welcome to MyEC, Sanod! I agree with you that difficult people are ruthless and unbearable at times. Thank you for sharing your story and for the action that you did.

  • I am like mirror so i should reflect depends on person behaviour if they behave very rude i should be rude.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic, Kanimozhi!

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