Gooseberry of the World

Haha.. This discussion is really about the type of gooseberry of the world. In my latest blog; The Story of a Mouse Deer and a Tiger, I have written that gooseberry is one of mouse deer's favourite fruits. The Prostomolotova GalinaKarenne Sylvester  and shabeen introduced to me gooseberries from their countries.

Now I wonder, do you have gooseberry in your country. If yes, please share the picture with us in here, and describe the taste like

In Malaysia, our gooseberry is like this. It tastes sour.

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  • Uva spinaI've only seen it in supermarket :D

    • Viviana D'Orìa , since you said you just seen it, I guess you never taste it? LOL. I wonder, what do you call it in Italian?

  • I used to eat a lot of it while I was a kid and living in a village. But, nowadays, I don't see it except when I go to a hotel. It has become a 'high end' fruit. LOL

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    • WOW dsank0, I like the name of nightshade. It sounds so exotic. Over here, the name of it is so plain, just a cape gooseberry. LOL. I wonder why it is called nightshade? Is it the taste same as over here, sour/sweet?

  • Gooseberry sauce? hehehhe ... sounds like Peking Duck. LOL. Thank you for this interesting information.

  • Amazing information. Thank you so much for sharing shabeen. In Malaysia, gooseberry is just being "discovered", so it will a longer time for the public to be made aware of its health benefits.

  • WOW shabeen, thank you for sharing such interesting pictures. Now I just knew that Kiwi Fruit is Chinese gooseberry. Amazing.!

  • 2387669066?profile=original

    This is Canadian Gooseberry fruit which I've never seen it nor tried it, so , I don't know how it tastes. This is the first time I hear about this fruit. First I thought maybe it's the name of an animal. hehehehe

    • Hehehe Nafis  .. maybe it's called gooseberry because goose love this kind of berry? Your Canadian gooseberry looks similar to Russian's gooseberry. That's indeed interesting.

    • Dear Noas, maybe..I don't know but even the name is interesting. I didn't even see it at stores. That makes me surprised. But, thanks to you, now, I know it! See! Next time at store, I will be more careful what I'm looking at!

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