Most of the people are using Internet  actively at these days. while some people say Internet has lots of positive sides, others believe that Internet has more negative aspects than positive ones.

  • What do you think about the technology-Internet?
  • What are pros and cons of Internet?
  • Its negative sides are really more than positive ones?
  • How can Internet affect our lives?
  • Having virtual lives affects our real lives negatively or positively ?

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  • I think that anything can be misused or overused.  That goes for the internet too.  My only real concern is if someone shuts out their real life friends and family or uses their time on the internet to be involved in inappropriate or immoral activities.

    Used properly, it is a very good tool for learning. As Nadira blogged, it has made language learning so much easier because now many examples of proper speech can be found in almost every language.

  • It's true that internet has changed our lives, in fact what am I doing now if I hadn't discovered this web by internet.

    There are several points we can name about what internet has changed our lives:

    - News, information: We don't need to wait for the news on TV or radio. When you want to know what has happened with anything, you conect to internet and there you have. 

    -Shopping: Internet has changed from top to bottom the way we buy. You have a huge offer of whatelse product, you can compare prices. I have 55 stars of Ebay.

    -Fun: Games, chats, love, sex, ....

    I hardly watch the TV at home, internet offers me more ussuals things.


  • Internet itself gives so many interesting information I want to know and can forget my time limit while using it. It affects neg atively to my health, especially eyes. Some social networks also take a lot of my energy and time, but usually such sites are not useful for me. I am there because many familiar people I know use those websites. The main reason for me to use Internet is that it gives me amazing opportunity to improve my English.This is really great. And I think this is worth it. 

  • Yes,it does affect our lives in both good and bad ways!!the worse of it's effects is "Internet addiction" and the best way to avoid it is to find other hobbies!

    Whenever my friends don't see me here it means I'm enjoying a better activity! :) 

  • Pandora ! You are awesome, it is great topic. The benefit of internet is out of question, but if we spent all of times against computer, our social life and mental health may be upside down. we don't like to see psychopats around us. thanks... have a great times ! 

  • Great topic, Pandora!

    For me, the internet is one of the greatest inventions of people. Because of internet, I can connect with my loved ones who are working and living outside the country. Then I can study and keep up with my English with a variety of websites that cyber world can offer. If I weigh the pros and cons, I would say that the internet has a lot of benefits to people. The sad part is, that some people use the net negatively. Proliferation of scams, bullying, scandals, etc., limit other people to use internet in a positive way.

    I think, if people are more vigilant and cautious in engaging on-line activities, that would lessen the problem. It also a matter of time management, wherein you try to make a balance between on-line world and experience real life activities with friends and family.

    Oops...Am I talking too much? Anyway, good job for posting this topic.

    Catch you later!

    • heyyy Robbie :)

      great to see you here ^_^

      Internet is the best and cheapest communication device at that era. we can be in touch with all of the people from all around the world thanks to it. But as you said, people should be careful while using it, and they should try to have a balance between virtual and real life.

      or else it could be costly for people in terms of time, the most precious thing in our lives.

      thank you for dropping by and reply :) 

      have a great day!!

  • Hello Sayda :)

    I'm also accepting that Internet is going to be one of the most important things in our lives.  it is almost impossible to live without it in that era, modern times. Because of this, we are discussing about it now:) I think we need to know pros and cons of everything in our lives to benefit from them healtier:)

    thank you for dropping by and reply ^_^have a good day !!

  • What I think, internet is the easiest and probably the cheapest way of exploring things. The blesses are easily noticeable as well as curses are deeply penetrating. But, there is no way to give up internet use because, it's the strongest media to get prepared for upcoming challenges. Furthermore, the promising field of E-commerce and free lancing is unavoidable. In the same time, depriving teenagers from intruding restricted sits is practically impossible by the trained way of restriction notice. Internet is absolutely important with or without the disadvantages, we can't deprived ourselves from using internet in this era but could find a better way to draw the bone on our neck.           

    • hello Shariar:)

      I agree with you ''Internet is absolutely important with or without the disadvantages''

      but according to my ideas, if we know the disadvantages of it, we can be more careful while using it, and it's harmful sides become less.

      thank you for dropping by and reply ^_^have a good day !!:)

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