A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke.All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time.

 He cracked the same joke again & again, When there was no laughter in the crowd,

 he smiled and said

 "When u can't laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again.

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  • Let this sensible man try to answer your sensible question. =)>

    Personally, I cannot laugh at the same joke over and over again because it is no longer funny after it has been told more than twice. I can easily let it go.

    However, I keep crying over the same thing over and over again because of various reasons. Excuse me, what thing are you talking about? Heh. I can cry when I have nostalgic memories.

  • The reason for crying on the same event lies in the difference in effects and influences. One tends to be more influenced by a bad event more than a simple good one. Besides, one bad event may break one's heart so that the footprints are hardly removed. While a good event may be more easily forgotten when one is faced with problems.

    For example when one sees his mom's death, he is far far far more deeply influenced by it than when he, for example, becomes a father. 

    But I don't deny that we are thankless regarding our good moments. On the other hand, we morn and complain about the bad news and events. If somebody loses a beloved, they may not recall a compensating gift which can be a friend or their kids.


    Anyway, thanks dear Hani for the interesting discussion,

    Have all the best


  • Excellent , I really enjoyed that  , Thanks Hani Jan or sharing it with us
  • Hello Hani,

                I think If we can not bear good things then why we stick on bad things and repeat them again and again?  we should avoid bad people ,sorrow, hate, anger worries frustation and try to live happy and let others live happily  

  • LOL, Hani!

    After my long absence from EC, not too long ago, I wrote a blog about this anecdote.

    However, I forgot to save it and signed out.

    I was so frustrated and didn't try to rewrite it.

    But I ended up writing about something else...


    Thanks for sharing this one!

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