Attn: Mr. Josef Re: Unwanted Mails

I checked my mail a few days ago and have seen a lot of mails from English Club. (Thank you.) I have deleted a lot too from people unknown to me. I am just wondering how could members send me mails though I don't give my email address to members. Could you explain to me please? I really don't understand. In addition to this, the return mail address is English Club but the person signing is another person whom I do not know.I know I have called your attention on this matter before but so far it's just the same.Thank you.-Lynne-

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  • I don't give my email address to any member Mr. Josef. The senders email address is not coming from my friend but EnglishClub's (that's why it puzzles me) and the contents of the mail is not the usual EnglishClub update but some kind of business promotion.
    Anyway, I think I must adjust the settings on groups I've joined... yes maybe from groups. I'll check that. I remember, I had the same problem before when I haven't deleted yet the group site I created...I'll just consult you again if there's no improvement. ^_^
    Thanks Josef.
  • You can adjust what emails you receive by going to Settings > Email. You can even turn off ALL emails from (When other members send you messages they go to you through the system by email - and from EnglishClub. Other members never know your email address - unless you give it to them, which we do not recommend.)

    I don't know what emails you are receiving but they could be from friends (if you have some friends) or from groups you may have joined. As I say, you can adjust what you receive on the above page. I believe it also tells you this at the bottom of every email.

    Hope this helps you understand ;-)
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