Writing Challenge: Reflexive Pronouns

 Writing Challenge: Reflexive Pronouns

                                  the shopping 

     I like to shop by myself . My sister always shopping  to herself but sometime I need my friends to help me to choose when I'm confused , we feel happy when are praised for good things that we chose by ourselves , my friends often think they can choose by themselves , I talk to myself when I am confused I must chose by myself ,but unfortunately before i decide i find someone else buys that dress so i always blame myself This reason coz I hate shopping. The bright side I enjoyed myself. My friends enjoyed themselves too. We drink coffee and talked each other. when we back home was the cat hurt itself , my friend she call Amail love cat she have 5 cuts from street in his home , it was so Small and wet , Then dried his coat she asked girls, she said "I want the name of the cat " we said with one voice Basbous , she is always care cats , She said I'm sure they'll love Basbous. then When I arrived to my home i said bye to my friends & Kitten

the end ^^

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  • Nice one, Rose!:)

  • Hi Bluerose, 

    Thanks for participating in this month's writing challenge! It seems you understand how to use reflexive pronouns quite well! 

    Let's work on this very, very long sentence. I've fixed the first part for you. Can you spot all of the commas that should be periods? This long sentence should be split into about five sentences.: 

    My sister always goes shopping  to by herself but sometimes I need my friends to help me to choose when I'm confused , we feel happy when ____ are praised for good things that we chose by ourselves , my friends often think they can choose by themselves , I talk to myself when I am confused I must chose by myself ,but unfortunately before i decide I find someone else buys that dress so I always blame myself This reason coz This is the reason why I hate shopping.

  • ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are like my ^^ shopping  it is heavy in my heart *-* , thanks from heart dear Grace ^^

  • Interesting post! I happen the same sometimes if I have no idea what to buy among so many possible choices. I need someone to help me to make a quick decision, otherwise, I'd waste time there and buy nothing home. :)

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