Writing Challenge : I have a Dream

I have a Dream

When I was a child, my dream kept on changing. One day, I wanted to be a policewoman, another day a soldier, and yet another day, I wanted to be a doctor. Living in a village with a few modern facilities such as electricity and television (at that time only a few houses had a television), my exposure to the world was through books and teachers. To be a policewoman or a soldier was such an honoured profession in my parents' eyes that I wanted to be one. Then, through the classes, I thought to be a doctor was such an exciting job where you can heal people. Unfortunately my dream to be a doctor was soon squashed because I hate needle, and I got squeamish looking at blood.

Even until today, I am still discovering what my real goal is. As a woman with a good career, it seems I reached my goal. But, to my own surprises, I am still discovering about myself. I thought, to have a financial stability, I will stop searching. I know ultimately, after my working career ends, I would love to be a book cafe owner. For the past few years, my friends and I are talking about it because to own a book cafe is like combining our hobby and passion of books and food, it is like a dream comes true. 

I guess I am the classic example of a late bloomer. LOL. My dreams as a child and now, are like chalk and cheese. I am one of those people who must open every door and every window just to discover what I want isn't there. My ultimate destination may takes longer for me to reach, and even I have to make a few wrong turns, but I have to look at it as the priceless adventures.

I know over here, a book cafe is such a novelty. To own it and to make it work, I may be totally out of my depth. What I can do at the moment is putting aside some much needed capital, and when the time comes, hopefully it will be enough and the attitude of people over here on such venture will change and they will be more receptive. And most importantly, I do hope I will not change my dream again.

"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams" - Oprah Winfrey

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  • Yes Amal. I believed in dreaming too. But sometimes because of certain circumstances, we can't achieve that dream. However, the most important thing is to not lose hope. Thanks for reading and your comment.

  • I believe in the saying "if you dream it ,you can do it".
  • Yeah.. I think the only thing we can do is keep on dreaming and keep on trying to achieve that dream. No matter. Just don't give up. If we can't achieve it, maybe we need to dream other thing. LOL. Just don't give up on dreaming too.

  • Hi Juli, yeah. Dreaming various dreams and potential is really fun. :-) Realising it is the hardest part.

  • Hmm ... WMW the classical Granny who has a very rock modern heart. Well, some people rightly said to me that I'm a classic example of attention deficit person. I can't stay too long doing something over and over again. LOL

    So, that's why I may end up doing something else sooner or later.

    By the way, it was AH_TK, who always falsely accused me as a GHOSTBUSTER! I never claimed to be one.

  • Hi modaway, thank you for your kind wishes. Ameen!

  • Hi tawfeeq, yes, fortunately dreams has no expiry date. Dreams also did not need to follow any mold or any schedule. 

  • I like  dreams ...2387974577?profile=original

  • My friend sewar, you're right. "Only you can make your dreams between your hands. If you give your dreams to others, then you have none". Working towards our dreams is one way of keeping us motivated and hopeful. 

  •        My dear friend, I always say that; my dreams are my flesh and boons. So, I always have dreams and I always listen with love to them. My mother used to say" it is not enough to listen to your dreams but also you have to chase them tell they be true. Sewar, no one can do it for you. Only you can make your dreams between your hands. If you give your dreams to others, then you have none. And don't ever give up your dreams, I born you to be a fighter not a quitter". Since then my friend, I always have a dream to chase after, using my own skills and others experiences to make it true.

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