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  • Thanks to noaslpls, yna, Anizaq,Tetyana and Ario Barzan for your beautiful comments. Anizaq you have uploaded a beautiful pic of tea garden. In our country there are huge number of tea gardens.The scenery of the tea garden is really so attractive. I enjoy it very much. You all are welcome to our tea garden. Enjoy the scenery and have a cup of tea. All the best.

  • In the north of IRAN you can see thousands hectare of tea land

  • love tea... drink every day...have never seen the tea garden!

  • I like to drink tea.. In fact I prefer tea more than coffee... I have never been to a tea garden but I have been to a mountain in my dear hometown full of wild mountain green tea.. it looks like a tea plantation but no body really own it...

  • Nice photo

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