What makes a good student?

Hey wait a minute...Where is your book?Your notebook?Have you done your homework?show me the summary I asked you the other session?No...!!!You see?What are the things that make a student outstanding?what are all good things that a student should do in and out side of the classroom?By the way,what about you?Have you done your homework?
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  • checking homework in the class is as important as teaching itself I try to check some of the students' homework randomly for it is impossible to check them all because of timing problem but you are right if a teacher assign homework he/she should check it or they will be ignored later on.

    If a student feel that there is always a teacher to help and answer his/her questions yes he/she will not try hard and I always tell my students that they should be responsible for their studies and do not rely on teachers,you know sometimes if they ask me the meaning of words or something that I think they can do themselves I won't answer and ask them to do that themselves they don't like it but it is good for them,you know they say "Do not give me fish,teach me how to fish."
    there is no need to be sorry,your ideas are always worthy and welcomed.

    Thank you.
  • Dear Mr.Sadredin,

    A good student is the one who does not depend on the teacher. Teachers only can guide students not providing everything for students. Students expect too much from their teacher, which is not a good approach for learning.
    I did my homeworks when I was at school but my problem was that they never paid attention to me and I always should want them to check me, which I think this is another problem for teachers. If they know that you are doing your homeworks, they don't check you.

    I am so sorry that I have negative opinions about teachers. This is because of my past experiences. But, I am sure that there are a lot of great teachers.

    Have a wonderful time,
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