what is your idea?

Hello all of my friends ..yesterday I was talking with one my friend about Islam. And what if his wife leave  Islam  and change his religion or to be a secular ..

so some of us are  Muslim and love our religion  ..some Hindu  and some Christian and some zartushet….

I was Curious  about this,that if a wife in the Islamic family leave the religion what will be the reaction of her husband ……

So I started with this question and ask him ….

Look friend  just imagine !  if you would marry and love your wife as much as you couldn’t  imagine living with out her .she loves you incredible ..and care about you a lot ..you have a life with love and understand as much as enough for Common Life .one life that all man and woman are jealous of it ..and you are proud of it .suddenly your wife starts to reading book ..she is human and has her mind and after moment she came to conclusion that wanna change her religion …but she still love you maybe more and more ..what  will be your reaction with this Changes  ????????????

I know that it may effect on your life but religion sometimes is a personal matter and with these all that I told  you what will be your reaction ?

He asked me ,you mean if I speak with her she will not back to Islam ???????

I answer imagine that she is Faithful to her principles and she think that these all are personal matter and she research a lot and this is what that she think and never do not wanna change it.

He suddenly answer I will divorce her ,undoubtedly

I asked him if you love her and  have a kids and ,

He answer again :I swear by God that I will leave her!

And ask me and you ? just imagine all that you told me

I answer that with all that told you imagine ….hmmmm I am a little different of you

He said how come?

I answer with all that I told you I swear  by God that I will never  ever leave him …

This is not important what he answer after that but there is a rules in Islam that if your husband leave the religion..the marriage  between you and your wife  will be finished and you will not have any relation ship in these case in the aspect of Islam and religion  ..

So I know that but I wanna just tell me what will be the reaction of you in the same situation..this is not important if you are muslim or not I am not speaking about  just muslim people if you are a Hindu or Christian  and you husband or wife leave it ,what will be your reaction in the same situation ????????

And some more important thing ,,this is just about you and ( her – him ) and it is not supposed to any one know anything about it ………

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  • Dear marik my friend ,I am so happy to hear you the same conclusion,,,that you will not leave her ..this is the best and great act that you can do cuz religion is personal matter and we do not have  to punish people with leaving them :)"

    Thanks a lot 

  • Thanks dear S.Selvakumar ..then i will give you the same answer as Bala jan :)" you can read it ......

  • lol Zahra jan ...great answer i am all agree with this part :. One day you hate men, the other day you face a gentleman and fall in love with him. So human being changes his mind a lot.(cuz i have been in the same situation )ke ke ke 

    Dear Zahra i am proud of what you answer ,,you know when i write this blog i just think about to be free in what person wanna have or choice never think that it really relate to what people think about the marriage ..you are right  azizam some people (more Muslim ) marry to improve their self and religion  matter maybe in such as situation the only solution is divorce ....other hand another marriage is not matter ..but i am still believe in that every person has his God and we do not have to interview in such privacy  thing like leaving religion Or god thanks a lot :)"

  • "Reine de sabba "  azizam how are you?  yes this is hard question specially for us that religion is one of our reason for living and for future living after death ...but just think that every person has his way for living ..i know that may thing effect on the common life ..this is not impressible if i say this doesnot effect ...but let's think freely ....thanks Helwa ...i will keep up :-*

  • Thanks dear Bala ..Azizam you always leave comment with your kind heart .,,This is great that you respect all religion and i am all agree with you that all religion is about love to human being ..but sometimes the reason of changing the religion is study and research in the religion and figure out that religion is not the one that you expected lol..so people are free to find the way for speak with their GOD ,,,and this is from long time ago that the people who change society leave them ....

    thanks for your comment Dear Bala :)"

  • It's hard for me to imagine such situation. Actually, I don't want to imagine it.

    But, if the question is already asked my answer is no, I would not leave my wife owing to the change of religion. I would try to discuss this matter with her and figure out why she does it.

  • PS- All what I said is with this prerequisite that you've discussed the matter a lot in a proper logical way, and the result is that no one would change their mind. Then you should decide whether to continue your previous life or not.

  •  Very good question. We all know that human being is a flexible creature, specially regarding his mind and soul. One day you love rain, the other day you may hate it. One day you hate men, the other day you face a gentleman and fall in love with him. So human being changes his mind a lot.

    So how can we get married when we know that our partner MAY change his/her mind, beliefs and even their behavior? I think marriage is a risk, no matter how much research you've done beforehand. But at some point we need to trust and accept the challenges, otherwise we are dead!

    OK, now suppose that you have not changed your beliefs and mind since your marriage, but your spouse has changed. What's your reaction. In this case, you refer to the foundation of your marriage. You go back and see why you got married with this person? You loved his/her behavior and the way he/she treats people? You got married with them because of their beautiful mind and logics? You felt in love with what? This latter question defines your reaction to the changing of his/her religion. If one of your reasons to marry him/her was their religion, then you undoubtedly get divorce, since you needed someone to help you and be with you on the path of God; since you needed someone to help you improve as a religious person.

    But, suppose that none of your reasons for marriage was related to a specific religion. Then you have no good reason to divorce. You may still love him/her and continue your life. But, there is another point, you didn't marry because of their religion, yet when you see that they have changed their mind about their religion, you might feel unsafe. You might think like this:" What if one day he/she changes her mind about marriage and me? What if he/she tries to force me have the same religion as him/her?" You should decide if you can trust your spouse anymore or not.

    You should write down the reasons you're getting married. Then, some other time, if something changed, you should decide based on your first criterions. >>> (Just in case your spouse has changed, not you, too. Otherwise, you both have changed, and should decide on another list, and revise the very first one, and then decide.)   

    If anywhere I am wrong, please let me know.


    Have a nice time.


  • I fully accept Ms.bala's view....

  • Hello sweetheart Sima,
    This is really a hard question for me! When I read your blog, I directly asked this question to myself; and I really didn’t find an answer. Sweet Sima, I believe that I won’t allow that my children be in another religion than mine. Answering your question: I would certainly ask my parents and siblings about my problem, I think there is no one can advise me better than them. There isn’t another solution.
    Thanks for sharing sweetie. Keep up asking hard questions, it makes me digging my brain.

    ~~ giggling~~


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