Hi, my friends! To my great disappointment, our Jeopardy game has had its days, but I have got an idea of "reanimating" it so that it can become more learning and interesting and I'd like to discuss it with you. My idea is to combine Jeopardy with another famous game, "Wheel of Fortune". For those who know nothing about this game I will explain what I mean using an easy example. I ask a question "It is a part of casual wear. There are 5 letters you should guess. You can open only one letter at a time and if you are right, you can open some other letter".  The first gamer opens the first letter and he is right. It is "J". Now he can eather guess the word or go on opening the letters. If he is wrong, another gamer will try to do the same. We will score the answers and as a result, there will be three best gamers at the end of the month who will be able to take part in the supergame. I haven't thought it over well enough, but I'd like to know what you think about such activity.

I'd like to say that such a game will help you learn new words, but first of all, understand English suffixes, prefixes, sequence of wovels and consonants, regular combinations of both and much more about English spelling.

I hope you will like the idea. Anyway, I'd like to hear yours!

Thank you very much for your desire to learn!

Always yours,

Danny Clark

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  • Thanks Tanya.
    If you have time, please you start the game. I may not be able to visit EC regularly for few days.

  • Dear Mishaikh! Let me answer your question. I think scoring should be the following: 10 scores for the right vowel and 50 scores for the consonant. I also think, there should be some intrigue and some rist like in any other game. Of course, we can't establish the same rules as in the real game as there are many players here. Besides, we would like this game to be somehow learning. Such a game may be useful not only for improving your vocabulary, but also for realizing regular sequences of vowels and consonants, standard letter combinations, suffixes of different parts of speech, etc. When we open letters randomly, we really learn all  that. The idea of the game is to get as many scores as possible to take part in the supergame. So, I guess, the rules should be following.

    A host askes his question, names a part of speech and tells the number of letters in his word.

    All players try to guess any letter.

    The first player who guesses the correct letter, gets his scores for the letter and can go on guessing letters and receiving scores or guess the word. Ff he guesses the word he recieves all possible scores. (For example, our word is "vowel" where are two vowels and 3 consonants and one letter is already open. So, he gets 10+150=160 scores + 10 for the first right letter). But if he failes, he loses all his scores got for this word (170) and has to wait for the next round to take part in the game again.

    Then, the next gamer who also guessed the right letter but was not the first came into play and so on until the word is guessed.

    I will demonstrate everything said above. For example, I am a host. My question is:

    It is a grammar term, a noun, 10 letters.

    As a result, I get thre answers from A, B and C.

    A: Is there any "e" in the word?

    B: Is there any "a"?

    C: Is there any "I"?

    I say that A is wrong, there is no such a letter. B is right, there is "a", but C is also right. So, the first to play is B. He already has 10 scores. Others keep silence and watch. I open the letter.

    _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _

    B decides to guess one more letter.

    B: Is there any "c"?

    He is right again and gets 50 more scores. Now his score is 60. He wants to guess the word.

    c _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _

    B:  What is "comparable"?

    He is wrong. He loses his 60 scores and is out of the round.

    Now I ask C to come into play. He has more chances than B. I open his letter and he gets 10 scores:

    c _ _ _ a_ i _ _ _.

    C is smart and he wants to open one more letter to be sure.

    C: Is there any 'n'?

    And he is right. I open it:

    c _ _ _ a_ i _ _ n

    C gets 50 more scores. Now he has 60 and he is sure about the word. He gives his try:

    C: What is "comparison'?

    He is right. Now, his score is 340 (it is the maximum score for this word (4 vowels and 6 consonants, i.e., 40+300) and he is the next host.

    Dear Mishaikh! I hope, the idea of the game is clear. If you'd like, to clarify some detailes or to suggest some changes, I will gladly answer all your questions.

    I can start the game in our Jeopardy group if you all like to have some fun. I see, that Onee also stopped Guess My Word, Danny stopped Jeopardy and there is nowhere to game now. I feel sad!

    Looking forward to hearing from you, my friend!

  • Danny what about the 'rate' of 'scoring'.  As I understood from the demo, 50 marks for each consonant.  What about vowel, and the complete word?

    May be Tanya would have time to explain in your absence.

    Have good holidays. 

  • Dear friends! It is my last comment for today. My word is


    See you some late!

  • Yes, there is one!

    a_ r_ m _ _ _ ous

  • r ?

  • Dear Elf! As I am trying to show how to play this game, I will scip your question as Misha guessed a letter. Niw he has to guess either a letter or a word. Let's wait

  • Is there any i?
  • Yes, there is.

    a_ _ _ m _ _ _ ous

  • Is there any a?
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