A strong man, who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength. And knows compassion! – Captain America: The First Avenger [2011]

Preface: Why I’m writing about war and fighting? This question can arises anyone mind. Why? Because I do a lots of aimless thinking, like most people, but I can still choose to use my mind to get and accomplish things, and I do that all the time. Very long time ago a wise old man shows me a cup full of water, he told me to fill more water without spilling a single drop outside and I was failed to do this. He told me, mind is just like this full or empty cup of water. Until you clear old thoughts, new thoughts cannot enter. So, why not you forget this? Because this world doesn’t let me forget this, every time when I see people fight and see war in world. It makes me feel sorrow, when everyone seeks for peace in life then why there is fighting? Why there are conflicts? This thought leads me to search of this question and by this created the war theory. All these thoughts and opinions are mine and it just my view, please if anyone have similar thought and points. It will only help me and clears more doubts. This writing here lead me to modify later on, that’s the reason to let stay here. No more talking let us begin the search for this answer.

Words Definition

Strength: n. quality of being strong, might, durability; determination, resolve; power; effectiveness; intensity, force.

Compassion: n. pity, mercy, sympathy

Aimless: adj. purposeless; lacking a goal

Accomplish: v. complete, finish; perform, execute

Spilling: v. Cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, esp. unintentionally.

Sorrow: n. A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.

Conflict: n. clash, fight, quarrel; v. oppose, disagree, quarrel, fight

PS: Due to lengthy blogs and complicate to understand, I'm breaking this theory in small parts. As well people do not need to open dictionary, here few words definition added, please let me know all you views.

Thank You!


Part II: Mythical REASONS

How does a war and conflict start between nations or between men? According to elders, they give three basic reasons.

  1. Jar[Wealth],
  2. Joru[Woman]
  3. Jameen [Land];

These are the initial reasons to start conflict between men or nations. World history books are fully written by the bloods and the evidence.

Around 1000 AD during this time Mahmud Gaznavi’s 17 Invasions of India and invasions to other countries as well earlier, and he looted, destroyed ancient architecture, and killed thousands of innocent peoples only for wealth.

Around 1525 AD during this time Babar invasions in India for looting money and to capture lands over the several countries and finally established Mughal Empire in India. There are plenty of wars and battle fought for wealth in different countries. The point of telling this is a very greedy reason of people fighting.

The Trojan War between Troy and Sparta for Helen in Greek Mythology, Battle between Antony and Caesar for Cleopatra in Egypt, Mahabharata battle between brothers because of Draupadi also land was crucial matter for this in Indian Mythology. But the truth is these war kills lots of innocent peoples and behind the actual reason is a single woman. The best war movie I have ever seen is Redcliff directed by John Woo, don’t know if it true or not but it makes me feel happy to see the courageous lady who thinks of dying innocent peoples because of her.

People still fighting for land and that is still an impacted reason to believe. I do not need to explain or provide evidence by the article. How can we forget of Alexander the Great a Greek king of Macedon?

It does not mean only men are ruthless kings, who are the reason of war, the ruthless women ruler and scandalous wives, like Catherine of Russia, about whom the least said is best.

To protect their wealth, women and land, men/women had to encounter into battle.

Remember, what comes around goes around. So, whatever you are willing to do today your children or future generation will suffer later on somewhere same. So, that’s why violence can never bring peace in future, because you cannot bring those dead people’s lives back.

Share your ideas and believes, share your history and battles happened in your country, as I do not read whole world war histories, but whatever impacted me, I read it. This theory is still in continuation and it might change your perception later on, may be let you think of other side of war reason.

See you later….. [To be continuing…]

Word Definitions

Evidence: n, the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Invasion: n, an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.

Greedy: adj., having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth or power.

Mythology: n, a collection of myths, esp. one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.

Crucial: adj, 1. Decisive or critical, esp. in the success or failure of something, 2. of great importance.

Impact: n, The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another: "cause injury on impact".

Scandalous: adj., 1. causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law: "a series of scandalous liaisons". 2. (of a state of affairs) Disgracefully bad, typically as a result of someone's negligence or irresponsibility.

Generation: n, 1. all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively: "one of his generation's finest songwriters". 2. The average period, generally considered to be about thirty years, during which children grow up and have children of their own.

Violence: n, 1. Behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. 2. Strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.



When I read miracle and forgiveness thoughts, It makes me feel like a big prank. Where are these peoples living in world, do you think when next war will start by any psychopath, he will read your thoughts? It’s only because of your negligence and laziness brings risk towards people life. How can anyone forget World Trade Centre, War in Libya, Syria, Kargil Battle, 26/11 massacre, Taliban Battle and many wars had written now in history and yet we are waiting for a miracle to be come? Sometime it just feels like useless healing ointment tube which might be an expiry date tube however peoples still using this healing tube on their wound and waiting for the moment to heal and we are itching because of side effect. If you think this circulate positive energy, well I just wish circulate this positive energy to those decision makers. If you succeed then I will rub this healing tube over my whole body.

I feel this create suffocation and disillusionment and it leads to hatred inside, hatred leads to inferiority complex and egoism, this leads to anger and anger provoked to do fight. When number of peoples affected on this way, they group together and think of another war to dominate others.

Share your ideas as next part lead you to another reason to believe....[to be continue…]

Word Definitions

Miracle: n, A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine.

Forgiveness: n, The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

Prank: n, A practical joke or mischievous act.

Psychopath: n, A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

Negligence: n, 1. Failure to take proper care in doing something: "some of these accidents are due to negligence". 2. Failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.

Laziness: n, indolence: inactivity resulting from a dislike of work.

Ointment: n, a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic.

Circulate: v, 1. Move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area: "antibodies circulate in the bloodstream". 2. Move around a social function in order to talk to many different people.

Suffocation: n, act of suffocating, act of killing by cutting of the oxygen supply; death caused by a lack of air or oxygen

Disillusionment: n, disenchantment: freeing from false belief or illusions.

Inferiority Complex: n, an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive

Egoism: n, an ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality



Catastrophic events done by war are least important, changes are important. When democracy falls, war begins - Hitler

Apart from described three reasons which are known now, I always have a feeling there is another reason which provoked people to follow the concerned war person. I didn’t know until recently encountered with this line in a book. This book has this line which is said by Hitler in his life. So, this is the exact reason people believe in miracle or changes of freedom, people seek for change in their life, society or country and can speak freely. This line makes me think more deeply and after thinking more and more over this, this war theory makes me to write here. This is not making me any Hitler fan because the catastrophic events done by him are worst in history and I believe people can bring better changes by non-violence way. Why people think of utopia – where everyone will live in a peace and harmony via killing lots of innocent peoples? Or does it make any sense to you the pure blood generation will be free from hatred?

What could be the consequences and do everyone sure about the predictions of changes will be good in future, via fighting or bringing people into war?

Share your idea as theory is still in continuation…

Word Definitions

Catastrophic: adj, extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin; "a catastrophic depression"; "catastrophic illness", terrible, disastrous, calamitous

Democracy: n, a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Provoke: v, Stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.

Encounter: v, unexpectedly experience or face (something difficult or hostile).

Freedom: n, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Utopia: n, an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More.

Consequence: n, 1. a result or effect of an action or condition. 2. Importance or relevance: "the past is of no consequence".

Prediction: n, a thing predicted; a forecast.



“War is never an isolated act” – (Clausewitz, 1831)

It makes sense to me that people are disillusioned in this world and this leads to people fighting because somewhere deep down they seek changes around them. The consequences are severe as nobody can predict what kind of change will come out. If people realised these changes earlier then it could be another story. Still we fight and risk human lives to see the changes. Can we bring back those who die in war or battles? Fathers, Brothers, Son, Grandson, Nephew and Cousins are just mere toys to sacrifice in battle. The women's and children's affected most by this because they have to suffer alone this tantrum later on their life. So, when we cannot bring their life back, why we need to begin the war and follow a certain leader who seeks war and thinks change via violence? Although ecological disturbances brought on by war have been occurring for thousands of years, modern warfare has made its impact increasingly severe. You can recognise the long-term and wide spread impacts that cause the degradation, expert’s opinions gives it the term ecocide, literally meaning the killing of environment.

Psychological and social consequence of war are severe, this make people afraid and kills their fighting spirits, in both ways – One who fights in the battle and the people who are affected in this war.

In Art of War by Sun Tzu there is a quote – The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

The aftermath of battle resulted the women and children left alone in crisis to tell the stories, burned architectures, burned houses, destroyed buildings try to  cry in silence.

"If we are to win the war against terrorism, we must, as Sun Tzu in "The Art of War" says, "Understand the enemy." And we must, all of us, Muslims and non-Muslims, Americans, Europeans, Arabs, and Asians, unite against it.  But we must create the conditions that will make this essential unity possible.

Please visit Josef Essenberg profile and read recent war consequences.

Share your ideas, how you like this part of theory even people chose to live in tranquillity, because two more parts are there to let the theory explain why people fight, is there any way we can predict change?

Word Definitions

Isolate: v. Cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others.

Sacrifice: n, an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure.

v, offer or kill as a religious sacrifice.

Tantrum: n, an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.

Ecological: n, characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment; "an ecological disaster".

Warfare: n, engagement in or the activities involved in war or conflict: "guerrilla warfare".

Degradation: n, the condition or process of degrading or being degraded. 2.

Ecocide: n, Destruction of the natural environment, esp. when willfully done.

Psychological: adj, of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person.

Subdue: v, 1. Overcome or bring under control (a feeling or person). 2. Bring (a country or people) under control by force.

Aftermath: n, the consequences or aftereffects of an event, esp. when unpleasant.

Tranquillity: n, an untroubled state; free from disturbances.



When I read of today’s advance in nuclear weapons, advance infantry, missiles etc. Why we need to increase the security budget every year? This money could be spent on the country progress, spend money to give people employment. Do we really need to think employment via soldier and border patrolling? I always thought in my childhood that nuclear weapons are for saving the earth from extra-terrestrial force. Maybe someday they will attack our earth and to battle with these aliens we need to have advanced weapons system. Then why we are investing money on finding life on another planet? Here we cannot bring peace in our neighbourhood, are we sure we can have peace with aliens?

The most interesting fact of our life, finding water in other planet, it’s always a cruel joke to me. Water covers 71% of earth surfaces, the ocean contains 96.5% of earth’s water. Why do we not use this money to purify water here? 3.575 million People die each year from water-related disease. Even if we found water in another planet how we can quench thirst of 6,840,507,003 earth population? As well we cannot teleport these large numbers of people to that planet. So, neither we can transport water nor we can teleport peoples to the watery planets. What’s the point of wasting money on this?

It might not be easy to convince the fact that how usually these warmongers earn money; they earn money by the people’s hard work earning money which we paid as tax liability.

Share your ideas, maybe I can wrong on these statistics, Last part will be update tomorrow. Thanks you all for your support.


Word definitions

Apocalyptic: adj, Describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.

Nuclear: adj, 1. of or relating to the nucleus of an atom. 2. Denoting, relating to, or powered by the energy released in nuclear fission or fusion.

Infantry: n, Soldiers marching or fighting on foot; foot soldiers collectively.

Budget: n, an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

Employment: n, 1. the condition of having paid work. 2. A person's trade or profession.

Patrolling: v, Keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or traveling around or through it.

Extra-terrestrial: n, a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space, esp. an intelligent one, aliens

Quench: v, Satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking.

Teleport: v, (esp. in science fiction) Transport or be transported across space and distance instantly.

Warmonger: n, a sovereign or political leader or activist who encourages or advocates aggression or warfare toward other nations or groups.

Liability: n, the state of being responsible for something, esp. by law.



Like, it is impossible to make a prediction of changes earlier but we can try to predict via mathematical formula. It’s a simple mathematical algebra formula of summation of the integers. But instead of Integers we will put the Reasons or the attitude which we are going to follow. Then we always need our Intensions, by adding reasons and intension we always follow our path of changes. It’s not a sure shot way but at least we always need something hypothetical to strengthen our belief. Like we believe in God even we don’t see him, but we believe in his existence and we fight in the name of religion always. So, why can we not believe in this formula or let’s just give it a try. Let’s try to understand what is this all about. Here we go,

+’ + ‘-‘  =   ‘-

‘-‘  + ‘+’ =    ‘-

-‘  + ‘-‘  = - ‘+

+’ + ‘+’ =   ‘+

Description of prediction rules:

  1. If our Reason or attitude is positive and Intensions are negative then change will be negative.
  2. If our Reason or attitude is negative and Intensions are positive then change will be Negative.
  3. If our Reason or attitude is negative and Intensions are negative then change will be positive but negative effect.
  4. If our Reason or attitude is positive and Intensions are positive then change will be positive.

Now put yourself in this situation and think in your mind of seeking the changes which we fought for, what we are fighting for and what we will go to fight for. Most of the time we just follow the person and believe in his idealism, we do not care for predictions, later when prediction come out we cry and cannot do anything as we have already determined that we cannot do anything. After things happen we realise that Oh if we tried at that moment we could really have made a change today, but now things have got out of hand. All the time we curse our ancestors that they made a mistake and we are suffering because of them. I ask you what would you do if you were in their position because now you are only reading this but why do you need to bother, life is fun and enjoyable all the time. Well, they thought the same like you back then. So stop cursing, if you believe in yourself then try to make change today.

I’m not going to try all past events and the changes we see till now, this you can  calculate via this formula. Now it is for future prediction, if you want to, and then check which side you are on? If you still waiting for a Miracle and Forgiveness then you have to do some extra work as well. In any case violence is a negative thing and you will see in this formula, three times the result is negative. The probability of change is ¼ of the prediction that it will be positive. Life is beautiful and death is ultimate truth of this world. Figure out yourself what will you wait for next?

Considering this article as a positive attitude and positive intention, will it bring any positive change in your life, seeking for truth later on, and it’s finally clears my mind.

Conclusion: There is always a wise person in history, behind the war who failed to convince people not to fight or not to go for war.

The world suffers a lot, not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people.

I read this quotation here and it is a very fine line to explain the article.

Finally, every theory and change demands something to sacrifice and that sacrifice convince lots of people, unite people to make them convince to their idealism. Yes! That’s the plan to leave MyEC forever by ending of this theory. Not deleting my profile because this theory must be here. May be to catalyse my sacrifice and to end of this theorem if can convince people not to fight and seek the changes without fighting. Sacrifice or stupidity, you can give any name. My apology to make it so long and if you feel it waste your time by reading this stupid theory. May be you are right because till then it is up to you always, what you believe for. My part of work accomplished here because of believing in prediction and resulted instinct made me writing this theory. My gratitude to MyEc that it provide me opportunity and fertilise my mind to write things which was inside my mind and finally I’m able to use my mind to accomplish things.

Thanks for everyone support here, back to my world where I came from.

Good Bye!

Word Definitions

Prediction: n, a thing predicted; a forecast.

Algebra: n, the part of mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.

Summation: n, the process of adding things together

Attitude: n, a settled way of thinking or feeling, typically reflected in a person's behaviour.

Intension: n, A thing intended; an aim or plan: "both countries have declared their intention to be nuclear-free".

Hypothetical: n, A hypothetical proposition or statement: "Flynn talked in hypotheticals, tossing what-if scenarios to Kernighan".

Ancestor: n, a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.

Probability: n, the extent to which something is probable.

Conclusion: n, the end or finish of an event or process.

Quotation: n, a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker.

Catalyse: v, catalyse: change by catalysis or cause to catalyse.

Gratitude: n, the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Fertilise: n, fertilize: make fertile or productive; "The course fertilized her imagination".


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  • Dear Charos,

    Always hope for this day. Thank you! :)

  • Dear Sandeep,

    Well... :-) To this point I would say that the Human beings are the most wonderful creatures of God, honored and richly endowed by Him with excellent capabilities of self-development and self-perfection, yet being unfortunately too conceited about these privileges  given to them and tending to abuse them only to satisfy their needs... Let's hope people would come to their senses... :-)

  • Dear Charos! 

    The evolutions of human form is generally begins by animal form, this refers to the evolutionary history of primates and in particular the genus homo. It means human were animals before.


    It is the animal nature of fighting to each others and we are still animal because of this ighting to each other even our brain developed. I would say we act like animals even to call ourselves Human. We are strong animals and yes that's  the reason animals fear us. 

    That's why we need more evolutions to become war free human, or I would say this is upto time later on. :)

  • Dear friend, I dare to remind you, unfortunately even animals fear us...

  • Hi Charos!

    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. Yes, This is just like boomerang principal, if you don't know how to throw in air and catch carefully, it can hurt your hand back. 

    Still we try and wants to throw this every time in air. Same happens with War, we knows this can cause lots of damage but our insatiable craving cause it. I guess that is human nature to try everything on way. Beside there are positive traits being human, sometime I feel our evolution period still not fully changed and make us act like animal.

    Thank you once again for sharing such a wonderful idea about boomerang principal.

    Have a nice day to you!

  • Hi Sandeep,

    Just cannot find words... The wars are generally caused by a simple reason: an insatiable craving of some people for more and more of everything. Even when we (people) know this and certainly guess its consequences too, why are we still being so selfish, insatiable in our desires to catch as much as possible of everything, although we know the boomerang principle very well?. Sometimes I ask myself if there is the more brutal and more ungrateful beings than the Human beings in the world?..

  • Thank you so much Nadira! You just make sort description in one line :)

  • awesome  reading!

    War is aimless and causes  destruction mentally and physically, due to few avaricious and power hungry individuals.

  • @Hala

    What can I say more on this after the statement of Martin Luther King that you posted.

    All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. - Martin Luther

    If there is God then I demand peace and tranquillity between mankind. No war and no battle in future.

    Your wishes really works, thank you so much for everything and I can see this War Theory really turned into other direction. I never imagined before this way it will end but it builds inside hope and I can see light now. May be that's what we say influences of positive energy. Let see what happen next.

  • @Ymn

    Coming back was not easy option, because I thought my brain dead. But then I found a back door entry. Here I'm because you are amazing reader, you motivated me and point at the whole theory exactly which needs to be discussed. I'm happy because of you.

    I wish everyone read this theory and discuss it as long there is peace in the world. Many questions are still remains to discuss as evil people always comes with new ideas, and we peaceful guys always ready to encounter them. This is what the nature demand to us. Let see what happen next.

    Thank you so much to give me hope and support me. Cheers!

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