
Many people still think they are better than others and they enumerate many "reasons".
Just some days ago, a guy asked me if I think that people with black skin are equal as me. I said, "of course, yes, I don't notice any differences" and asked him why he asked me such a nonsense. "You are a moron", he said. First I thought he was joking because I had known him as a good person and we had already many constructive discussions about different topics. I had to recognize, it was his serious opinion that white-skinned people are more intelligent and smarter than black-skinned people. "They are better at running, working ... it means ... to do better physical things...", he said. I started laughing and asked him in which century he is living to mention such nonsense. I know so many white-skinned people which are very stupid and there are many people with dark skin which are geniuses. It s not a question of skin color whether someone is smart or not. Such stupid opinions don't fit in any society. I asked him why he is so proud of his skin color because his skin color isn't his own merit. I told him, "No one can choose his skin color, we have to accept us as we were born. Only weak people or people with a low intellect will tell such a trash."
I argued and struggled for a while with him and I think, I had the better arguments ... but he was stubborn. At the end, he left our discussion very quickly and cowardly because he had to see, he couldn't convince me of this racist crap.

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Rose Iris

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  • That's so kind, dear Evangelina, thanks so much!!!

  • This happens some times Rose,


    and... 2643990735?profile=original

    ... even though, it is perfectly alright to feel so from time to time.

  • Evangelina,

    Thanks a lot for your point of view. I also think it isn't a rare case... unfortunately.

    And about my blogging here ... I don't know so exactly when I'm going to blog again... I am a little tired (bad and sad mood) ... so I don't have any idea for a nice and interesting blog.

  • Rose,

    Actually I have to say, I don't know how unbelievable this really is, sometimes what heart is filled with, it will flow over with - probably he thought you would agree with his point of views, but you didn't.

    This is what I believe in;
    When one person in a discussion take his/her refuge into personal insults, it means that he/she has fallen short in the argument.

    As happened to him.

    What you wrote above it is a sad way of thinking, though unfortunately I do not think it is a rare case, but it goes both ways. Neither do I believe this has anything to do with lack of education, on the contrary this has something to do with ignorance. Hatred often stems out of ignorance and insecurities.

    Aaaaand, I would like to say, it is so nice to see you active here blogging again Rose, I hope you will keep it up <3.
  • Dear Risty, thanks for your comment. You are right this kind of discussion with someone who still remains in old and wrong thinking is always annoying. But sometimes we can't avoid this discussion because we did not expect it. If someone starts to talk on that bad way ... I can't help discussing.

  • Tante, I've been thinking to write a blog regarding this or something like this, but I don't know why I can't fully backup my thoughts to create a complete idea.

    Sometimes, I don't get how these people think and I'm still wondering how they run their lives. Are they happy? Are they fulfilled? Are they self-sufficient? 

    I ended up giving a wry smile. I always avoid this kind of conversation as much as possible because I got easily pissed by such prejudices--esp. because of physical differences (who is superior or inferior physically-crap!)

    What else can I do, only (sigh)

  • Yes, Rosemary, you are right. And also racists use many things, invented by people they don't have the same skin color as they have. Racism isn't only a problem of white people, you can find them everywhere. I hope that the mankind will overcome all the prejudices ... the hope dies last!

  • To AG, SNR, bet, Luci: I go along with everything you said. We are human beings and every one of us is a unique creature. I don't see a limitation in differences, they are enrichments. If we were equal, the world would be uniformed and boring. And the skin color isn't a criterion for differences in our mind.

    Thanks to you all for expressing your opinion.


  • I really can't believe that it could reach such a level.. I still believe that maybe that person was joking or something... because it's apparently apparent that color gives no quality, So are there people really who thinks the opposite? I really doubt it.. 

    However, Human being is really a stupid creature.. we keep creating reasons and reasons to justify looking at different people in a lower way.... I always say that this topic is cancerous, because it never ends at a limit.. if you will keep counting reasons, you will see your bother is different from you and you will find a million reasons to hate him... if you will keep counting reasons, you will see your mother is different from you and you will find 2 million reasons to feel resentful at her... and if you will keep counting reasons, you will find 100 million reasons to hate everyone around you and to have millions of millions of reasons for hating them to the death... 

    We people aren't made for this.. we can't succeed like this.. we can not succeed if we don't help each other... today I will help you, tomorrow I will need to receive help from your side.. this is how it goes always.. 

    if I want to speak about this topic, I would really not stop because I have many many words inside to say.. I will only say that unfortunately, my people (Arabs) are one of the nations which are hit by such a cancerous disease... unfortunately, we seem to be still very far from understanding this point, and thus I expect more and more suffering for my own society.. 

  • Useful! But, I can say, skin colors matters in some parts. But, how someone can say that white people are more stronger or smart?

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