To Eat or to LIVE?

Hi, my friends! This weekend I saw just a horrifying documentary on TV and I’d like to share this information with you.

Well, I have always known that obesity is one of the insuperable problems faced by our society as every day I see many overweight people all around. However, I didn’t know the scales of this tragedy. Now I know that 65% of our population is overweight or suffer from obesity! Can you imagine that? And obesity is not just extra weight. It causes a lot of diseases, early death and many problems in personal and social lives. Then, why do we manufacture special cars for full people instead of implementing some special programs for them to lose extra weight and to stop eating unhealthy fast food? That documentary was about grammar schools in the state of Virginia, but I am sure, the things are the same in Florida and in other states.

You should have seen what those kids eat at school! Pizzas for breakfast and hamburgers for lunch! And they are only 6-14 years old! It is our future generation! When they were proposed to choose between the fast food and the meals cooked by a chef, they all chose pizza and hamburgers again as they didn’t know the taste of the true meals! And such a menu is approved by the Ministry of Health and the Board of Education! Sure, it is not a surprise that most of those kids are overweight. Moreover, the kids under 10 turned out not to be allowed to eat with a fork and a knife and they don’t even know how to use them! I remember my childhood, I was taught to eat with a fork and a knife as soon as I was able to hold them!

Well, as a result of such nutrition, we are surrounded with such big people who can hardly walk and serve themselves, who need special cars or even carts to move around, who come to the beach, take off, dip only they legs into the water as if being afraid to cause a flood and stay there for hours drinking warm beer! As a result, we have cops who can hardly get into the cars or ride bikes not to say about chasing or fighting!

As a result, we have kids who are already sick and many of them are diabetic or need transplantation of different organs and first of all, hearts and livers. It is outrageous!

After watching that film, my wife stopped eating at all as she thinks she has to lose a few pounds! A few, not 50 or 100! Hahaha! She is not full at all! Well, it is her business. The worst thing is that since Saturday she hasn’t been allowing me to eat pizzas, potatoes, spaghetti and even sandwiches, not to say about beer and desert! And for you to know, I have never had any extra weight and if I go on keeping such a diet, I will not survive for sure!

To be serious, I do feel really bad about the problem of obesity in my country and would be glad to know how things are in your countries. Do your nations face this problem, do your governments do anything? And what is your personal attitude to the problem of obesity?

Hope to hear from you!

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  • Is any fast food expensive in Pakistan? People eat it here because it is cheap and they don't have to cook. But they don't realize it takes not half an hour to cook healthy meals and it will turn to be even cheaper

  • Hi, dear Mishaikh! Glad to see you here. You are right, our people don't care what they eat and they don't care for being dramatically overwight. People think that fast food is the cheapest here. But, in fact, they are too lazy to cook and are too indiffetrent to notice such dramatical changes in their health and bodies. We need some educatinal programms to tell our people how to avoid a lot of diseases and the premature death. If they think they look attractive weighting a few cwt, it is their own business. But why to kill the young generation? Have you seen the kids looking like small hippopotamuses? It is just inadmissable!

  • Yes, I am observing obesity here in the US seem very high.  There is no such alarming rate back there in Pakistan though fast food trend has increased remarkably, but it is too expensive for common class. 

    I have also a very strange feeling, here in US the people does not look very much worried. I have seen people in Hi Hop eating piles of pancake with lots of syrups.

  • Dear Tu, glad to see you on my blog! I am sorry to hear that Vietnamese people face the problem of obesity, too. But it is very good that your government tries to solve this problem. I think people have to know why they shouldn't eat much fast food and shouldn't eat much at all. It is a matter of education. I hope all the world will solve this problem one day. Thanks for joining!

  • Dear Luci, thanks for your comment. That is right, we have to eat to live and we should enjoy what we eat. However, the main problem is WHAT we eat. In any age people should avoid eating carbohydrates and fats. If you eat only proteins and vitamines you will drop your weight very soon. If fact, it not amount of food we eat, but its composition that makes us gain weight. I believe everybody knows the reasonable limits of the healthy weigh. We shouldn't be full, but we musn't be very skinny as it is also dangerous for our health

  • Hi, Danny

    this a big problems in my country. at the moment, there are a lots of children who are obesity. their parents give them fast food, because they arent time, too busy for works. the children are free to eat everyhthing , they want it. that meals dont have high nutrient fact. they contain  much fats, cholestorol, etc. which are harmful for human' health. as the result, the people are as soon as fatter. now, the goverment has many policies for controlling these problems. but attitude of people are so important to solve. to improving their thinking. it is not easy to change. but i strongly believe, we will be complete to solve this big problems.


  • We eat to live we shouldn't live to eat :D anyway.. have you watched a documentary called Supersize me? This is also very alarming and shocking! I think people should have some border point inside of them, which would tell them ENOUGH!!! Unfortunately many lack this button :/
  • Dear Rosemary, yes, I agree. We must be in shape to be healthy and to live full lives. But the matter of attraction is not the last, either. You may know that full people, especially kids are often laughted and jeered at. Such attitude may spoil their lives completely. They may become unsociable, unfriendly, desperate, aggresssive and much more! Isn't it easier to lose extra weight, to control it and to be healthy and happy?!

  • Dear Rose, I fully agree but there is no article of law allowing to accuse parents of feeding their kids with fast or convenience foods. On the other hand, people may be unparented due to overworking, for example. Isn't it ridiculous? People who don't care what and how much they and their kids eat make much more harm than those who overwork trying to provide for the bettter lives of their children! I intentionally added some pictures for people to realize what is waiting for us in the nearest future. If you watch old documentaries, you will see that even in 70's and 80's Americans were not overweight that much! I tell you, the film we saw was really scary as children (American children!) didn't know what natural foodstuffs and vegetables look like and didn't know their names! They were showed some common vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and asked to name them. You won't believe they had no idea! But they immediatelly recognized chips, ketchup, nuggets, etc. And it was not a movie, it was a documentary shot at a grammar school with about 300 schoolchildren! I believe if they were showed a piece of fresh meet or fresh fish, they would immediately exclamed, "Ugh, how disgusting!" It is really scary, dear Rose! I am sure there must be started some special programms teaching people what to eat. Otherwise, the next generation will die out due to diabet, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis and disability to move before becoming adult!

  • My parents always said, "a glutton never has never been born ... he always is made from his parents".

    Poor children because parents play with their health. Children cannot defend themselves. They have to trust their parents and thet they want only their best.
    But the best is not a lot of food and sweet drinks.
    All the parents who fatten their kids should be accused because of Severe bodily injury.

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