This Is my Place!

What's the place where you feel graceful, Peaceful, Joyful, wonderful, and all the good uls in your life?for me is my guitar!I mean when I am in a worry or stressful situation I just hang on my guitar, with a pick and with any chords that came in begin to play anything and if the words flow I usually write a song and time flies as a cloud in a windy day!so guitar is my place!what's Your?
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  • Hi Mario,
    thank U for your sweet song which refreshes my memory about my old days. As a little girl I learned mandoline myself and was brave enough to perform a children song before my teacher/classmates. And then I learned how to play guitar with pieces as "Johnny Guitar", "Black Eyes", "Autumn Leaves"... and stop playing piano after finishing the book "Methode Rose" due to my busy schooltime . If only I could play my guitar and sing for you the English folk song "Butterfly" ! The song with nice words and melodious rhythm was recorded on tape for my friend as souvenir when he took along with him to USA "butterfly, my butterfly wait for me don't fly...away"
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