They came back again!

  When my kids were young the swallows  built a nest up on the wall of the balcony. Each year used to  come and give birth to their babies, feed them and then were setting off the  nearby marshes to find mosquitoes and other insects.

After two or three years I don't remember exactly another family of swallows built another nest next to the old one.

We were so happy to see them every year coming and leaving  for warm places again.

Someday I noticed a hole in the second nest and I realised that another bird wanted to destroy the nest. The following years the swallows stopped coming and I thought to myself that they won't come back again.

Yesterday while I was in the balcony with some friends taking a look at some spring plants I heard the cries of their babies and I felt so well.It was something unexpected but true.

They are so lovely animals when they come in spring time and also when they leave in autumn to find warmer places to live.

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  • What a beautiful story for Mother's Day. I hope it's okay if I add it to our Mother's Day collection!

  • Anastasia, Nice blog, I liked it, these birds are very nice. But frankly, the nest form is strange a little bit! How the bird was able to reach it? Thanks for sharing.

  • Yeah... they look for warmer places during winter.  It's quite a puzzle to think how they found the way back to the nest at your home.  I think the earth looks small for them that it's easy to find their way back to that nest.

    What a small world we have, hehe!  Chirping is such a wonderful music to the ears. 

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