NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “T” and has 7 letters long.• Their marriage was in t_ _ _ _ _ _ so they got divorced.• Your mind is in such a t_ _ _ _ _ _ you do not know what you are saying.• My relationship with my work colleagues and loved ones were in t_ _ _ _ _ _.Can you guess the word of the day?The Word of the day means “the state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.”
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  • Thanks juan, Hope to see you participating on these words and get scores.
  • This a fun way to improve vocabulary.
  • The word is "turmoil". The first-three-correct answers were by Monika, Lily, and anele. Each one of them get a score. Thanks for all who participate. Good luck in other words!
  • turmoil
  • my answer is trouble
  • Is this a trouble?
  • Is the word " trouble " ?
  • I think the word is:TURMOIL
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