NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 9 letters long.• In 1944, at the age of 30, Hersey suddenly became a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.• The meeting had many c_ _ _ _ _ _ ies and I was the host.• She has finally made it to the first rank of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after 25 years as an actress.• His dream is to achieve c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Can you guess the word of the day?The word of the day is a noun means “someone who is ,or become, famous and well-known, especially in areas of entertainment such as films, writing, or sport.”The word’s synonym is “star.”
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  • The word is "celebrity". The first-three-correct answers were by natasha yankovskaya, deuce666, and mohammed Gouda. Each one of them get a score at Our December's Scoreboard. Thanks for all who participated. Good luck in other words!
  • celebrity-(in my language we use the word as well,as celeb,but pejoratievely,for someone who is in the center of media attention,but their achievements are poor or undeserved-and they have 'light IQ':D)
  • Celebrity
  • celebrity !
  • celebrityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • sorry celebeity :D
  • Champions
  • celebrity
  • celebrity
  • celebrity
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