The wonder of the great variety of life

The wonder of the great variety of life


August 15, 2002

Exhibiting its fantastic luster, life of myriad forms as far as one can see is presented everywhere from the tropic zone, temperate zones, frigid zones, to North and South poles, from plains and canyons to precipitous cliffs, from the underground, the earth surface, to the sky, from small creeks and ponds to rivers, lakes, and oceans.
With their insignificant sizes but astronomical numbers, bacteria, actinomycete, epiphyte, microzyme, lactobacillus, viruses, and other microorganisms present a dazzling world of life under the microscopes.  
A million species of insects are exhibiting a gorgeous and bizarre world of life.
More than nine thousand species of birds are flying in the sky. They agile and flexible and valiant bearing and varying beautiful shapes have inspired us to yearn for freedom and future, causing our thoughts to soar to the distant horizons.
Countless fishes, shrimps, shell creatures, and other marine animals have constituted a fantastic and unimaginable underwater kingdom of life.
We marvel at and are amazed and puzzled by hundreds of thousands of "large" terrestrial animal species with widely differing miens. Rushing or leaping, running or climbing, they exhibit their strong and vigorous bearing and their respective skills for survival.  
With the change of seasons, more than a hundred thousand species of flowers vie with beautiful girls in their riotous profusion of colors, enchanting and attractive.
From the creepy lichens to the tall and straight redwoods, from the float grass swaying in the wind to the meandering kudzu vines, from medlar to loquat, from mulberry to coconut—the magical forms of the vegetable kingdom are so wonderful that they excel the work of nature.
We can not help asking, “How do the riotous profusion of wonders of life come into being? Without tissues, organs, brains, and hearts, how can those single-celled monads capture and digest food, excrete feces, move freely, build “houses”, and have sex? Who has equipped insects with “armors”? Who has armed the birds with wings? Who has covered the beautiful clothes for flowers? Who has equipped man with heart? Who else but the Greatest Creator?
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