Do you know Bipolar Disorder? Famous people such as Catherine Zetta Jones and Robin Williams had it. I also have bipolar friends, smart but manic depressive.

They can experience mood swings first happy then sad. It just happens just like uninvited guest.

If you suddenly feel low, unenergetic and lose interests maybe you should consult your shrink. The doctor will test whether your family genetically inherits that to you. Mania happens if you suddenly want to spend all your paycheck by shopping online which becomes trending topic in Indonesia nowadays. 

If you had to choose a mania who is always happy go lucky Tiger a risk taker and a depressed Eeyore or greedy Pooh who will mostly be your friend? I'd prefer Piglet because she? is shy and afraid of many things just like I was. Good evening all

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  • Ini penyakit wagtu. It's the disease of time. To avoid that kinda feeling we have to hesitate before doing any activity.
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