The pages that Anne Frank wanted to hide

Have you read the book "The Diary of Anne Frank"? It is one of the most read books in the world and tells us about the misery of war. I recently read an article about this book, and it said the newest image analysis techniques could read two pages in the book that were hidden by Anne with two sheets of brown paper. Topics about sex and some sexual jokes were written on the pages and one of the jokes was "Do you know why woman soldiers in German army stay in Amsterdam? They stay here as mattresses for man soldiers."

Anne hid the pages because she was probably afraid that they would be read by her family. Though the pages were published against her will, even if we read them, I am sure that nobady would say anything against her, because it is what adolescent girls think about. Don't you think so?

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  • Hi, Fizzy. Thank you for your comment. The book is not so sad but just a dairy of a 14 year -old girl, though the situation is so sad.

  • Hi Tam, Not yet.. but the book probably makes me cry.. so that is no no for me ^^

  • Hello, Bet. Thank you for your comment. I agree with you. I want people around the world to read this book.

  • Yes, I have read this very book! I became so sad reading after it even right now when I am writing I feel bad for Anne Frank! Yes, I also heard some of the pages had been hid ...Her diary has given the world a clear picture about the destruction, pain, suffering, misery and many more bad effects of any war but still we have wars....I think, no one can not stop crying reading Anne Frank's diary....Thanks Tam for sharing it, I must try to collect the translated version of this book again, yes, I read it in my language, a translated version.

  • Hi, Rosemary. Thank you for your comment. This is a story during World War II. Anne was a fourteen-year-old German Jewish girl. She and her family lived in hiding for two years so that they were not found by the Nazis. She was writing her diary while living there.

  •    I haven't heard of this book  , I might look for an online  arabic copy of it  . I have read alot of novels  and books about wars  catastrophic impacts  on people  I read some  of "  chernoble  prayers  " about the nuclear explosion  there and it's  horrible  results   .  I read  " a 1000  splendid  suns  " about Afghanistan  and it was great for me  :)  thanks  for sharing  this book review  with us  , I really  like  it :) 

  • Hi, Mary. I am glad that you are interested in this topic.

  • Hi, Dara. Love and sex are one of the topics that people are most interested in.

  • Good thing I threw my diary.

    Interesting blog, thanks for sharing Tam!

  • Sekusu! Most problems are concentrated on love and sex, Tam. We want the beautiful woman, we want sex, and we want the beautiful house. Not all women behave like that. Thanks for sharing those pages.

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