The Origin of Humanity

The Origin of Humanity  –  
1. the Awkwardness of Evolutionism

(Translated by Conglong)



Where do human beings come from?
There have been some sayings:

  • ·         Pangu created the heaven and earth, Nuwa created men using clay.(In Chinese mythology, Pangu and  Nuwa are the god and goddess who created the world)
  • ·         Prometheus made men out of mud and stole fire from heaven for humans.
  • ·         Ram-headed god Khnum moulded men from clay at a potter’s wheel, and goddess Heqet breathed life  into the new body, and they two together made new lives.
  • ·         God created man using clay according his own image. 
  • ·         Celestials came to the earth.
  • ·         Human beings were created by aliens
  • ·         Humans were evolved gradually from single-cell organisms.....
However, the most influential sayings are evolutionism and the story of how God created man in Bible.
The Awkwardness of Evolutionism
According to the theory of Evolution, humans were evolved from apes, and apes could possibly be evolved from rabbits, and rabbis from worms. Worms could be evolved from microbes; microbes from single-cell organisms, which could possibly come into being by accidence in the sea, the vast “organic and fertile soup”.
Evolution is the result of inheritance, mutation and natural selection.

Evolution is a slow and gradual process.

Evolution is in accordance with the “natural selection, the law of jungle and survival of the fittest.”

But is this really the truth?

The process of one organism evolves to another organism is a very long process. A rabbit can’t evolve to a monkey overnight. One seed, from germination, growth, flowering, fruiting to decline, there is a process. Any step of process could not be skipped. If we take picture of the seed every day, we will be able to see the slow and gradual process of its change. Evolutionism firmly believes that humans are evolved from apes. There must be a slowly changing process and some “intermediates”, that is to say, from an ape to a man, it should at least have some steps of intermediates, it is impossible that an ape will leap to a man, so where are those intermediates? What are they?

In 1924, “scientists” found fossils which they called Australopithecus africanus” (Southern ape of Africa) near the famous diamond town, Kimberley, South Africa, later, they found more, “Australopithecus boisei” (it is also called “Eastern African”), “Australopithecus afrensis”, “Australopithecus garhi etc.  Particularly, they think Java Man” was the “intermediate” between ape and human. Based on these facts, evolutionists self-deceivingly claimed that they had made “great achievements”.

But please don’t be too satisfied; self-entertaining will not bring joys to others.

According to the calculation based on molecular biology, it was between four and five million years ago when men and apes separated, so from four million years ago till the time of earliest historical records, how human beings evolved? Were there no any processes or intermediates? If not, does that mean evolution stopped at the stage? If yes, please show the evidence.

Again, I want to ask evolutionists, which animal were apes evolved from? Can you please give us evidences too?

How can you prove that the four million years old fossils you found are the ancestors of humanity? Just because their shapes look alike? Can you prove that chicken is the ancestor of swan because you found a few chicken bones?

At the end of the twentieth century, a large number of fossils were discovered in Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.  The research showed that today’s diverse animals were actually appearing suddenly on the earth, and it also proved the correctness of theory of “Cambrian Explosion”, which  happened 530 million years ago.

The theory of “Cambrian Explosion” says that over 90% of animal species were appearing suddenly in a “moment” which is less than one percent time of the earth developing history. It is like mushrooms growing everywhere along ditches and grasslands after an overnight drizzle, which is by no means a slow and gradual process, so do evolutionists still have any far-fetched explanations on this?
Let me ask more: the obtuse angle of three congruent rhomb at the bottom of a beehive is 109°28', and the acute angle is 70°32', which is the most economic and reasonable structure, so is this “wisdom” also from evolution? Rooster crowing, chick breaking its egg shell, bird migrating, spider webbing, eel discharging, chameleons changing skin colour, weaver bird nestling, silkworm making cocoon, snail making shell, hound tracking, pigeon going home etc.. Do all these wisdom of animals and insects come from evolution?

Let’s make the conclusion by quoting the wisdom of Darwin, the originator of the theory of evolution, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down".
The birth of Lifechanyuan has proved evolution theory has “absolutely broken down”

Evolutionism cannot prove the origin of humanity.

Human beings were not evolved from animals at all.

So, what about the sayings in Bible?
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