This is a the continuance of my previous blog about the Legend of The Princess of Ledang Mountain.

Continuance from Part I


With a heavy heart, Hang Tuah agreed to wait at the foot of the mountain. Tun Mamat and the rest of the warrior then proceed to hike the mountain. After a few more days, Tun Mamat noticed the surrounding of the mountain had changed. The weather was getting cooler and they can smell sweet smell of flowers all around. He then realised that they were no longer in the wild mountain, but in fact in the most beautiful garden. He could heard singing voice coming from a small gazebo in the middle of the garden. What so fascinating about the gazebo was that it was made from human bones and its roof was made from human hairs. 

With a purpose walk, Tun Mamat approached the gazebo. He s aw an old women with a few young women were singing while sewing. Realising that there was a group of strangers, suddenly the young women stop in their tracks. The old woman rose to her feet slowly and approached Tun Mamat. 

The old woman said that her name was Dang Raya Rani and she was the lady in waiting of the Princess of Ledang Mountain. She asked Tun Mamat who they were and their purpose. Tun Mamat with a soft voice informed the woman that he was sent by His Majesty the Sultan Mahmud Syah to seek the hand of marriage from the Princess. Hearing the proclamation from Tun Mamat, Dang Raya Rani bowed her head and said that she will meet the Princess and convey His Majesty wish. 

Once Dang Raya Rani left together with the other maids, Tun Mamat and his warriors waited patiently for news from the Princess. Their patience was finely tested when no one appeared to bear them any news nearly the whole day and night. Tun Mamat was getting suspicious whether Dang Raya Rani was what she was said when by midnight, she still did not come. 

Suddenly, by the stroke of midnight, out of the darkness came a very old woman. This woman was definitely not Dang Raya Rani because she was too stooped due to old age. Without much ado, the old woman said that she was sent by the Princess herself to convey her conditions of marrying to the King to Tun Mamat. The conditions were; one gold bridge to be built from Melaka Palace to Ledang Mountain, one silver bridge to be built from Ledang Mountain to Melaka Palace, seven trays full with mosquitoes' hearts, seven trays full of amoeba's hearts, seven trays full of virgins' tears, seven jars full of betel nuts' juice and finally a bowl of the Young Prince's blood. 

When hearing the conditions set by the Prince of Ledang Mountain, Tun Mamat was gobsmacked. He knew that those conditions set by the Princess were near impossible to achieve. Tun Mamat wanted to descent to the foot of the mountain immediately after the old lady disappeared in the darkness, however he and his warriors were too exhausted. After making a camp in the garden, Tun Mamat and his warriors slept and then made the descent in the wee hour of the morning. 

At the foot of the mountain, he met Hang Tuah and informed him the conditions set by the Princess. Upon hearing the conditions, Hang Tuah knew that the Princess had snubbed His Majesty intention and thus, it reflected bad to Hang Tuah. It meant that Hang Tuah had failed in his mission. He felt that he was no longer worthy to be called a Palace warrior. With a heavy heart Hang Tuah gave Tun Mamat his beloved Taming Sari kris and told him to return it to His Majesty. Then he proceeded to walk into a nearby river. It was said, from there on, no one seen or heard from Hang Tuah again. As for the Princess of Ledang Mountain, the legend remained until today.



1. As with all myth stories and fables that I've written in here, I took some liberties in my interpretation of this story, though I tried to stay true to the story. 

2. According to some sources, it was believed that the second old lady that appeared to Tun Mamat and recited the conditions for His Majesty to fulfill was the fairy Princess of Ledang Mountain herself. Because she was a fairy, it was believed that she can take any form.

Here are my other blogs about fables/myth/legends:-

1. The Legend of Mahsuri;   2. The Story of A Mouse Deer and Crocodiles;  3. The Story of How a Python lost its Venom; 4.  The Story of a Cat and a Tiger;  5. The Story of a Mouse Deer and a Tiger 6. The Story of A Crow and A Peacock;  7. The Legend of The Princess of Ledang Mountain


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  • Vieettt .... Happy New Year. LOL. As I promised in Part I, I will post the Part II in the New Year.And guessed what? It's the Smurfs' New Year. Hahahahaha


  • Yeah, Happy New Year, Noassss and everyone. I am glad to read a good blog in the very early unusual year and sink in the legend atmosphere. LOL (Though it appeared later than I guessed.) 

  • Hi Y.N, I hope my English version is understandable enough. LOL. I know it has a lot of mistakes, but I'm trying my best to stay true to the story. Thank you for reading.

  • Hi Expector Smith, your theory about the Princess testing their sincerity maybe correct. I'm sure as a fairy, the Princess knew what's going on.

  • My dear friend sewar, you always know how to make my day with your words.


  • Re corrections:

    Can you spot a common mistake in this sentence? (It might be a typo, though)

    "Tun Mamat and his warriors waited patiently for a news from the Princess." 

  • Maybe they should have been more patient and waited for the princess to come out the third time - they would have found the real princess was so beautiful.  Then the story would have had a totally different end - the princess must have been testing their sincerity.

  •      All what I can say;2388056446?profile=original

  • Oi rysperski, thank you for reading. I hope you will write another and another fables. I love to read other people's fables too. 

  • Hi ⊱ Mickey ⊰, I'm glad that your niece loves the story. I'm sure she loves the 'ladies in waiting' too. LOL

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