In this blog, I want to share with you another famous Malay legend/myth. It is called 'Puteri Gunung Ledang' which literally can be translated as The Princess of Ledang Mountain. 

Princess of Ledang Mountain : Part I

Ledang Mountain is located between two states in Malaysia, Johor and Melaka. Legend has it that until to date, this mountain is being guarded by the legendary Princess who is a fairy.

According to the legend, Sultan Mahmud Syah, the eight King of Melaka was in a deep mourning due to the death of his wife. So deep his mourning was that he neglected his infant son, the heir of the throne, his other wives and the administration of Melaka. His aides were worried, but there was nothing they could do to wake him from his melancholy.

One night, his Majesty had a dream. In his dream, he met the most beautiful woman. It was said that the Majesty was so enthralled with her beauty that he did not want to wake up. When he woke up, he called upon his most trusted aides, Bendahara Tun Pepatih Serdang and Laksamana Hang Tuah. His Majesty told his dream to his aides and asked for their interpretation. However, both of his aides were also clueless. Therefore, his Majesty called Palace's witch doctor and asked him the meaning of his dream.

After peering through several ornaments, the witch doctor concluded that His Majesty had met the Princess of Ledang Mountain, who had been residing on the Mountain for hundreds of years, in his dream. His Majesty was so surprise. He had heard about the beauty of the Princess, but he did not think that there was a truth in that. 

So besotted His Majesty was he informed his aides that he wanted to marry the Princess of Ledang Mountain. And he wanted his most trusted aides, Hang Tuah and Tun Mamat to lead a team of Palace's people to go to Ledang Mountain and ask the Princess for her hand of marriage. Both of his trusted aides were shocked to hear His Majesty edict especially Hang Tuah. However, both of them knew that they had to carry out His Majesty's edict and proceeded to gather a group of young warriors to accompany them. Tun Mamat, a warrior who was said to know the jungle well would be leading the group.

The day after edict, the group started their journey to the South of Melaka to where the Ledang Mountain is located. After a few days of travelling, the group felt that they were on the right track when the vicinity of the jungle was getting cooler. However, the rough journey was taking its toll on Hang Tuah. He was no longer the fiercest warrior and he was already an old man. Realising that Hang Tuah was no longer can keep up with the rest of the group, Tun Mamat reluctantly asked Hang Tuah to stay at the foot of the mountain. 

To be continued in Part II

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  • Hello Barnaby,

    Yeah, I've read in a glimpse that it there was possibility of Hang Tuah was a Chinese. I won't be surprise at all, because of the position of Melaka (Malacca) as the trade hub between Chinese and the Western world especially the Arab.

    There was also a claim that based on his name and his compatriot names; Hang Tuah, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu and Hang Jebat, they were not properly Malay names. 'Hang' was probably an indication of his Chinese Origin. Thus, there was a theory that their Chinese names were in fact Hang Too Ah (Hang Tuah), Hang Lee Kiew (Hang Lekiu), Hang Lee Ker (Hang Lekir) and Hang Jee Fatt (Hang Jebat). So, it was consistent with the name of Puteri Hang Li Poh.

    I'm not actively researching all the historical facts, but once in a while something will caught my eyes, and whamppppp .... it turned what I've read previously upside down. So, maybe what I've read is not a fact, but at least it was a good reading. 

    You may drop me a message in my inbox in MyEC, but I guess in order for you to do that, we have to be friends first. I hope I can be of help to you.

  • Hello, Thanks for the link which enabled me to finish your story. Interesting. I have reports that they have been able to recover DNA from Hang Tuah (and his friends) to prove that he was Chinese. In an article I have read, there has been DNA taken from remains in the Hang Tuah Mausoleum in Tanjung Kling, Melaka. That DNA has been traced to China. While it is claimed that the Mausoleums of Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat and Hang Lekiu have been found, there has never been any remains of Hang Li Poh been located.

    The reason I am interested is because I am writing an fictitious novel around Hang Li Poh and I want my facts to be as accurate as possible. If you are interested, may I write to you on a private message?,,, Barnaby

  • Hi Barnaby Kyte

    Sorry for taking so long to reply to you. Yes, I've posted the Part II of the blog. Just click on the link :

    According to some source, Hang Tuah didn't follow the expedition to the Ledang Mountain as he was indeed very old, but most sources stated that he did follow the expedition because he was very wise man.

    I've read about Puteri Hang Li Poh, but didn't do any extensive research about her, though her story is indeed very colourful and integral part of the Melaka Sultanate.

    Thanks for reading. 

    The Legend of The Princess of Ledang Mountain : Part II
    This is a the continuance of my previous blog about the Legend of The Princess of Ledang Mountain. Continuance from Part I   With a heavy heart, Hang…
  • Hello, Interesting story. Have you posted Part II? I cannot seem to find it. It is interesting that Hang Tuah was on the expedition to Ledang Mountain. He must have been very old at this stage, as in research I have done, he served Sultan Mansur Shah who was the sixth Sultan.  I have researched Hang Li Poh or Po (it is spelt Poh or Po in different references) as I am writing a fictitious story and loosely basing it on Puteri Hang Li Poh. Have you ever researched Hang Li Poh? I am interested in the history of S. E. Asia as my wife and her family come from Singapore. One relation has done a comprehensive research into the family tree. Very interesting....    

  • Hi Y.N, wow, your students have to read the adventure of Hang Tuah? I don't think students over here knows about him anymore. Too bad :-(. I'm trying my best to bring some Malay fables, legends and myth to be shared in here. Though I have to admit my translations are a bit loose because I just like using my own words most of the time, I hope the essence of the stories are still the same. 

  • My dear friend sewar, well, the story is a bit long. I don't want to make it longer than normal, that's why I have to write it in two parts. I will post the second part as soon as possible. God bless you and your family, dear. 

  •       Oh my God, dear, after your story had taken my breath, you easily said; to be continue!!! I have nothing to say except....... God bless you.

  • Hehehe Bala, I still like to be called Granny Cat. LOL. I think that name suits me fine. Well, it was said that the Princess was a Fairy Princess, that was why she can remained youthful forever. 

    About 'Ladies in Waiting', well their story is in the second part of this fable.  Ladies in waiting are basically term used to describe maid to the Queen or Princess. 

    The second part of this fable will be posted shortly. I was busy making people drool with my blog about Malaysians' food. LOL

  • Hei...I dont know how i missed to read this blog....!!! and today happened to read it while grazing "Featured Blogs".....Its always nice to read Historical Fables and especially when its written by a Catlady...Catlady or Lady cat..? which is nice to call? LOL

    Then, how come the Princess be so young but living for hundreds of years..?? hahha...I dont think she would be like our Granny cat, who has a caricature of a charming young lady...LOL..I am reading this story after a long time from ur posting, and still u hav not posted the 2nd part....why why why??? We are hanging....why r u so cruel?....

    BTW, what do u and Mick mean by "Ladies in Waiting"? I could n't able to relate the term to this story....Will u explain...?

  • Hi arif saeed, thank you for the compliment. I know there are still a lot of mistakes in my writing :-) Anyway, I will post the conclusion of this story as soon as possible. 

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