The chick comes out from egg shell

The chick comes out from egg shell

August 16, 2002
After 21 days of hatch by the hens, the yolk and egg white inside the egg turn into chick. Before it comes out of the shell, the chick has no connection with the world. Then how does it come out of the shell? From whom it learned the skills of breaking  the shell?
The chicks dad is busy all day chasing after hens and thus never cares the chicks life or death.Even if the chicks mom keeps complaining to the chicks dad for not attending to housework and raising the chicks, the chicks dad can find many excuese, How can you be sure that I am the dad of this little thing? Just last month I saw you hanging about with the roosters in the neighborhood.
Surely the dad did not teach the chick skills to break the shell.
Then can it be the mother who teaches the skills of breaking the shell?
No, instead of teaching the chick to break the shell, it will be much easier and less troublesome for her to break the shell herself.
Then who has taught the chick? Who has told the chick that the world outside is colorful? How does the chick know that his delicate beak can break the shell? Why the shell is thick enough to protect the chick and thin enough for the chick to break?
There is only one answerinstinct.
Instinct is not evolvedIt is innate. In another word, the first chick hatched from the first egg laid by the first hen on the earth already knew that its world is outside the shell, that the shell is thin enough for its little beak to break.
Of course, it is not the consciousnessWhen the time comes, it just peck at it until it breaks.
Well, out of instinct, and that the first chick hatched from the first egg on the earth without any genetic information, then there is nothing we can do but ask the Greatest Creator.

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