The Boyhood

Last night I watched a movie named “boyhood”. It was a nice movie which was about a boy named Mason and the ups and downs of his life from his sixth till his eighteenth. By watching this movie you get to live life with him and his family. Besides having some difficulties, I loved those scenes that they spend with their parents happily. There are so common things between families despite different cultures or different backgrounds; therefore in my opinion sometimes we can learn a lot of good points from these kind of movies which we mostly miss them.

There were two scenes that I loved the most and it made me thinking. In one of the scenes there was a plumber guy who had a short conversation with Mason’s mother. The woman told him that he was smart therefore he should be at school. Probably she didn’t have any idea that how his few sentences was going to have huge impact on his life.  Few years later whiles Mason, her mom and her sister were sitting in a café, a guy came by and said to Maon's mother that while back you told me that I was smart and I had to get back to school. He told her that he took her advice and continued his education and now here he was, with a good job and he was about to get his bachelor degree. He thanked her. I am sure it’s a great moment for every body to see that they actually could have positive effect on people lives.

Human beings are social animals. Only by satisfying our own needs we wouldn’t be happy. The satisfaction that people get through helping others is something unique therefore couldn’t be replaced by any other achievement; and that is what a human being means.

The next scene was when the little Mason who now was a young 18 years old boy was packing his stuff to go to college.  Suddenly Mason’s mother burst into cry and in reply to her son that asked what was the matter. She told that I knew this day would come but I didn’t know that you would be so happy.  Of course that was not the point; she got upset because she couldn’t believe that her kids were leaving her. The scene brought tears into my eyes too because I thought one day I would have the same feeling when my kids leave me.

She said to Mason that next time you are going to come to my funeral. Mason told her mother that she was jumping ahead like forty years then she said that she thought there would be more. While adults are struggling to make living for their kids, sometimes they probably lose some important moments that are unrepeatable. So we must remember to value every moment of being with our kids to play with them, to sing with them, to read stories for them, to spend time with them, sometimes just to listen to them and etc. then we will never have any regret of those days.  

Although parents always want the best for their kids but it would be one of the hard times for them because they don’t want to lose them. We haven’t realized the time that passed so fast. I read somewhere that when your baby is born look at her/his back you would see two small wings. As they grow older those wings will become larger and one day they are going to fly from your nest to build their own nest. So never think that you are going to have them forever, and that's life.

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  • I get the moral You refer, I also think almost every day how fast time goes when thinking of my childs and moments we have shared and regret not to do it often due to hectic lifestyle.
    Thanks for sharing and make me think about it.
  • Dear Mishaikh, thanks for your precious comment.
  • Very impressive.  You narrated very effectively.

  • Dear Nida, thanks for your kind comment. although we couldn't call it a review. In the past I used to listen to some people who analyze movies, I love it. I always watch movie with attentively. Thanks for reading my blog and your nice comment. It boosted my spirit.
  • Dear Lady Anne,thanks for taking time to read my blog. I mostly don't cry when I watch movies but I believe depending on our situation while we are watching movie or whether we are alone or not, crying might happen. I said that the scene when his momy burst into tears brought tears into my eyes not throughout all the movie.:D I will watch the movie you recommended if I could get a hand on it. I need to watch a comedy one, I guess. Thanks any way.
  • Setareh, what a great review you wrote! I must say it was better than it'd be by a professional. Reading your blog made me so want to see the movie.

    Btw, my question is the same as Lady Anne's. Does this movie really make you cry a lot? I tend to avoid watching dramas and movies that make people cry.

    Thank you for writing such a fabulous review. I loved reading it a lot and I mean it.

  • I heard that it was really a very recommendable movie to watch.  Maybe, I was not in the mood to cry that time so I ignored it.

    Was it a tear-jerking movie, Setareh?  My tears are shallow.  I always get cold after watching dramas so sometimes I try avoiding this genre.  When I watch comedy, I tend to become crazy and go wild.  Oh my, I think movies have great influence on me, lol!

    Thanks for being a wonderful movie critic.  What movie will you watch next?  Do you watch comedy?  I'll recommend "My Wife is a Gangster".  You will surely laugh at the interpreter here.

  • Dear Expector, you are right sometimes even a little compliment makes us so happy. Thanks for your comment. It meant alot to me to have your comment.
  • Dear Camel,dear Samuel, dear Elena thanks for your kind comments.
  • Great! It sounds like such a great movie. Thanks for sharing.

    Yes, encouragement can be so vital. We all need to be inspired or encouraged from time to time, no matter how successful we have already been. 

    Also yes, kids are supposed to leave you when they've grown up. Let go of them when it's time for them to go to college or work. So, parents should enjoy every minute they spend with their kids. 

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