Syria's cruelty

Up to now, nobody has made any effort to stop the Syrian gobernment cruelty, which tramples over people. What is the reason why happens this ? This hypocritical world, which tends to pay attention to facts of their interest.I am sorry for Syrian people. A prayer for them and for all those people all around the world who are suffering from cruelty.
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  • Politic is such a difficult matter to understand, money is leading the world and who knows why those sad things happen in Syria. I am trying to understand why a leader of a country can be so cruel with his country's inhabitants and my conclusion is that, there are many things we don't know, many hidden things we wouldn't even think about. The world is a big chessboard...
    Please don't misunderstand me, I have NO compassion for people like Bachar al-Assad and others (there are many in our world) and they have no excuses for killing people .

  • Im happy to see this post, finally, someone is caring about Syria....Im so sad about what happening there, but i can·t do anything..I only pray for them & ask Allah to help them....unfortunately, the most of arabs & muslims stop cariing about their brothers , they forgot about them as they did before, with their brothers in Palestiine .....I still see that one day we will hear &see the bad ending for this cruel, dirty bachar in Syria......Inshallah!

                          Allah bless you, thnx for this nice blog!

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