Sometimes It's Not What It Seems

My family loves cats. As far as I can remember, we always have cats in the house. No matter how annoying they can be sometimes, but they always chose our house to be their sanctuary. I guess we are just born lucky to be picked by them.

So it really bums me when I noticed that I'm allergic to cats, well to all furry animals actually (and I always say in the main chat room, to all furry animals and hairy men). But that doesn't stop me from admiring and loving cats in general.

So when I came back to EC somewhere in October 2012, it's like the most logical thing to do of using cat's photo as avatar. From there onwards, I've been using cat's as my avatar, be it from the net or from my photos' collections. And of course nowadays, they are from my own collection.

It's really fun when reading people's reaction, that they assumed I must have loads of cats as pets, but in actual fact I'm allergic to cats, and I don't have cats as pets. Their reactions were priceless. It was like; "You're allergic to cats, and yet you have a cat as your profile picture".

Sometimes it leads to interesting conversations. It's hard to explain that it's just to represent an antithesis of me. It's just like an oxymoron. Total opposite. LOL. Anyway, like I said, it doesn't stop me from loving cats, even from afar. And it doesn't stop me from stalking them and taking their photos. Because, honestly, cats are just too cute. In here, I want to share some of my photos' collection of the cats. They belong to my family members.

1. My First Profile Photo

Meet 'Comot' or can be loosely translated as 'Messy'. It belonged to my brother, but unfortunately, it had died. Its snore could wake up the dead.

2. The Fantastic Terrible Four

These terrible (it's an affectionate term) four belong to my brother. They are from the same litter, though they really have different personalities from each other. I'm not sure of their names, but their antics really made me laugh when I went back to my hometown. I love stalking them and taking their photos.

3. Playful Yet Sleepy

My brother likes to play with the cats. One of the examples was when he put a chick onto the back of his cat. It was basically basking on the morning sunlight and doing what it does best, sleeping, when my brother disturbed its peaceful snooze. However, because it's just too sleepy, or maybe just too lazy, it didn't bother him at all. 

4. Meet Junior, The Most Pampered Stray Cat

Well, he's no longer a stray cat. One day Junior wandered into my sister's house. It was a stray cat and skinny to the bone. It decided to adopt the entire family as his servant and he became their master. Now the couch is his bed, and the hood of the car is his lazy chair.

5. Printer The Perfect Mongrel

Finally, I want to introduce the latest addition to the family, Printer. He (I assumed it is a he), is the perfect mongrel and hence the name Printer. I asked my sister why the name 'Printer' and she told me because it's fur is basically dotted with 'unfinished' colour, like a printer that has no more ink and thus left him with spotted of colours. LOL. That's very logical explanation. He loves to chase Junior around the house, and basically he bosses Junior around.

So now you've met some of my extended and most pampered family members. What do you think? Maybe you can introduce to us your extended family members too. :D :D

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  • Anyway? D it means I need to elaborate why I chose one of all. The answer is "this world is colorful because of the people of different shades.  It is not necessary that we like all the colors. :D got my point lol

    By the way, what do you mean by "printer is died" ?
  • Arif Saeed, well, beauty in the eyes of beholder. LOL. Anyway, not only Comot that had died, but Printer too. :(

  • Feraeeeeeeee!!! Why this new nick? LOL

    I've an aversion to many things, but definitely not cats with Chanel clothes. :-P :-P

  • Better late than never.
    Sorry to know that comot was died. I think comot among all was the cutest one.
    Now I got to know the real reason :)
  • Noasssss, I just try to find out a way to fulfil your cats' love. If they, cats, wear clothes, they may look the same with or without fur but they cannot cause the allergic problem for you. Just don't tell me that you have an aversion to naked or nude cats lol. 

  • VIeettt ... now you're scaring me! I wonder, is it your new hobby to shave cats' fur? OHMY! OHMY!

  •  Noasssss, I am afraid of ruining your hairstyle if I take the place of hairstylist but it's far easier for me to shave a cat. It is of course free if the cat or cats are yours. I am right here waiting for your cats. LOL

  • OHMY Viettt ... I prefer to spend the money on the hair salon for myself since my hair is always frizzy and going every which way. 

  • Noasss, Is it alright for you to adopt a furless cat? Or I think it just takes time in case we cannot find one like that, we can take him/her to a hair salon and deal with it. lol

  • Uh uh Mr. Bob. There's no way I want to keep lizards, snakes or other reptiles as my pets. I'm too scared of them. LOL. I think, like you, I will limit myself to taking care of my roses and other flowers. It's easier I think. Even if I accidentally 'kill' them, I won't feel too guilty, especially since nowadays I have to travel quite often. :D :D :D

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