I have read this story recently and i liked it very much then i looked for the analysis of it and i liked to share with you to see how much the pure fiction of the literary is very simple ,nice and meaningful.This story it is a type of story that has a limited number of words and it hasa traditional begining - middle - end story.Hemingway> was sitting with his friends writers at round tables at a resturant( i think )and they had a bet of 10$ each if they could write a short story about six words so he quickly wrote six words on a napkin and passed it around,and the words are " For sale, Baby shoes, never worn"and he won the bet...so let's analyze the simple story to taste the nice meaning of the pure fiction literary.He used "for sale' as a symbol for 'ad'of selling the house, sometimes people sell what they have when they want to move or run away from a bad memory so maybe there was a family wanted to sell thier house to move away from sad event that happened for them after thier baby died , here Hemingway used a baby shoes as a symbole for happiness when the mother started to prepare for her new baby as well for sure she felt very active and happy for that and the shoes here are also means growing up for this baby but when Hemingway used 'never worn' here something bad happened for this baby so he couldn't wear these shoes and here also its a symbole for death and sadness additionally suffering from losing the baby beside that collapse thier beautiful dreamsand hope .Finaly can you imagine how these six words have a nice meaning and pure fiction.It isn't necessary to read or write a long story to enjoy or to get the aim the point is to express your honest feelings and thoughts even through a few wordsI hope that you enjoyed of it as i did.Rose
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  • Oh thank you dear Monika
    it's so kind from you ..i studied about his life in the university
    thank you for the link ..i will browse it ..i'm sure i will like
    you chose a nice story .
    Thank you for caring
  • Dear Rose,
    If you like Hemingway,you can discover more about him in the site of my beloved Michal Palin,he wrote a book about him:
    titeled the :HEMINGWAY ADVENTURE
    "One hundred years after the birth of Ernest Hemingway, Michael Palin sets out to discover the man behind the legend: a hard-drinking, controversial figure who wrote like a dream. "
    I've read it in book,but you can read the entire book here,online,under this link:
    Did you know it?In case not,hope you will like it.
    My favourite story was:The Garden of Eden
  • You welcome dear Monika
    wouldn't like to share us your story ?
    I like him too ..i like 'The Old Man And The Sea' so much
    Thank you for passing .
  • Thank you Rose,for making me familiar with this interesting idea of Hemingway.Really,six words can tell us a complex story,indeed.
    I love him as a novelist and appreciate his works a lot.
  • Thank u for visiting my blog and offering your valuable comments .
    Welcome of you fresh
    Waiting another story from you .
  • I forgot to tell you,
    i liked these flowers .....made me cheerful
    Thank you for adding
  • Hello natasha
    so welcome again here ...
    nice and optimistic story ..i like it
    your story tells that always there is a hope ..happiness..laugh...joy
    and never lose hope because everyday comes with it's joy
    Thank you dear natasha
  • Hello Rose,
    I was missing for this company! Here is my story:
    The Sun is shining for everybody!
    Wish all of you great weekdays!

  • Fresh....
    I like today to comment on your story ...
    Spacious sky, has no invigorating place

    spacious indicates largeness
    it may be anything
    perhaps it may indicate wealth and riches
    also the largeness of heart that means kindness
    there are people with immense riches in the world
    but their hearts may not be large
    means no generosity
    may not help poor at all
    because they are misers
    do not have compassion
    compassion and help to the needy are invigorating
    invigorating means filling with life
    if there is no compassion
    there is no invigorating space
    in spite of the spacious sky of wealth
  • Thank you nida ,
    so you passed here .. you are welocme dear
    and also waiting your sharing too ok?
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