Sit up Straight 2 January 2010

My knees were injured last few years ago. I feel quite uncomfortable while walking or standing for a long time. Because of this, I can feel a little bit how an old man feels, while they are walking or exercising. Therefore, I am aware of the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and vital. If we lose vitality and health, our lives will become dull.

If you observe, you can see most of the old people find it difficult to walk fast, climb up or down ladders. Many old people even become a pot of medicine while they are getting old. Some of them need to take up a large amount of medicine fees, or even suffer from horrible treatment, such as, something like putting a tube from nose to stomach.

However, at the same time, I see some yogis can do difficult postures even they are more 80 years old.

I think this is because they eat healthy food, practice yoga, and have healthy lifestyle.

I believe that if we take care of our health, we can also be healthy and vital until we are old.

That is why I write a lot of posts about healthy lifestyle.

Today, I want to ask all of you to sit up straight.

In Chinese medicine and yoga, we take care of sitting posture very much. Let me tell you some reasons. First, proper organ alignment and placement allow organ to work effectively. Second, reduce pain in joints from walking and running. Third, prevent from back problems. Back pains are one of the most suffering healthy problems.

According to a book, entitled photoreading, sitting up straight can increase oxygen in our brain. It can also keep our brain alert. It means we can learn faster.

A yoga book says that sitting up straight can improve digestion.

Since sitting up straight can give you so many benefits, without spending your time and money. Why don’t you give it a try?

You can see my other posts here.

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  • Anne Hodgson,

    I feel nice to hear that.


  • Peace_Flower,

    Thanks for liking the pictures.


  • Alexandra,

    I also love yoga so much.


  • Ramona,

    Thanks for your sharing.

  • Valeria Pimenta,



  • Monika,

    You are welcome.


  • Nadiyah,

    You are humorous.


  • Anis,

    You can put a picture of a person sitting up straight on the wall.

    It will remind you to sit up straight all the times.


  • Ďřέǻ₥зЯ Ḿǻ₦,

    Thank you for your liking my post.

    Ya! I think it is very important to sit up straight especially us who always need to sit in front of the computer for a long time.



  • Syed Faisal Ali,

    I think she is a bit look like Lady Ga Ga.

    Quite Funny.


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