It’s not a bad thing to be single. Life doesn’t start when you get married. I can tell that there’s more to life than to find a partner your mom warned you about.

I’ve been a reader and a hearer of so many stories of single and married people, and though I don’t have a firsthand experience regarding married life, I only rely on what I gathered from storytelling. That doesn’t mean those weren’t valid. I’m a little pessimistic about marriage life because I observed so many difficulties this bond is facing and it seems a never ending crisis. From earning money to spending, from how many children they will have to the nitty gritty of raising them, from in-laws to the third consanguinity to friends, so on and so forth. You will do everything together because you aren’t two people at all, you are one. It’s logical to say the other party is your better self, not your better half because now, you are a combined species. It denotes limited space and air to breathe in, somehow.

So, to avoid complication some people/adult prefers to stay single, but of course, that doesn’t mean they are alone and lonely. They’re just taking their time to know more about life, not a limited life as some say. I think this is a general justification/reason for those “abandoned women” or “leftover women” (I didn’t research how they call it for male version) would like to imagine.

The funny thing is I saw a tremendous growth and fame for an online or virtual relationship, ahahahaaha! Sorry, I can’t help but laugh as I even tried it to have a better review (Risty, excuses!!). I was told by a friend here in EC about his virtual relationship with an imaginary girlfriend, mind you guys this is a game app, with levels of intimacy and affairs development.  I didn’t try the app that he was using and I was rejected for the one I tried to access because they only allow people from the USA and Australia. So technically speaking I’m not well-experienced (Risty, explaining!!), BUT I read some stories about it and some suggestive videos were available there, I was so shocked to watch a video of a woman who availed a service from BOYFRIEND FOR RENT. That was absurd for me and I laughed out loud knowing that negotiation exists.

Throughout the video, she explained that being a “leftover woman” she felt bad how the society viewed them comparing to a thing that nobody wants to buy or a food that was left behind definitely negative connotation. Her reason for hiring someone changes my laughter to consideration and compassion. At the age of 27, her parents pressuring her to marry and have a family on her own, a destined life for a human, according to them (as if I’m hearing my father saying the same thing, ahahaha!). She wants them (parents) to stop pushing her to have a marital relationship, so she came up asking Google what to do, and for hours of searching, an answered prayer came in. She found a site offering services, an odd thing to cater, for rent Bf/Gf. The idea is cheap but the real cost isn’t. There’s an extra charge for kiss, hugs or cuddling... To make her story short she met the guy and informed him about some important “infos” of their relationship, how they met, where they met, their plans in the future, details about her parents and etc.etc. In the end, the parent doesn’t believe that she really got a handsome boyfriend. She felt bad that she lied to them but at least the pressure reduced. She promised to tell them sooner that she live a happy life even without someone to share sleepless nights.

Another thing that I would like to raise about this romantic/creepy app, is that even those who is not mature enough for relationship is using this and treating this as a normal game like Pacman and Super Mario, like a four-year-old girl, yes, some as young as this was already informed about flirting, kissing, and intimacy. Isn’t that alarming? They’ve learned from a different avenue, instead of learning it through life’s normal cycle, you know adolescence. Actually, what are appalling even in normal TV shows, there are so many suggestive messages that they will get and you can’t just tell them not to learn from these things. Kids are smarter now.

See how transcended tackling being single to marriage to dating app to boyfriend for rent to kids moral education. Sorry, got some weird thoughts lately.

(I would like to dedicate this blog to my Lil bro here in EC, hahaha… who told me about this virtual thing.)

Another thing, this is only my perception, doesn’t necessarily mean these are factual to all people, for me yes, but my case is not your case. :D

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  • i think i ever played that kind of game ^_^

  • Hi there again, vision!

    Thanks for your humorous remarks here. :)

    And thanks for reading me. :)

  • Hi there, MA chy!

    What do you mean by default? And care to tell me what is that general rule of nature? I would love to know about it. 

    Thanks for sharing your views about this topic. :)

  •  Risty Aven

    By default our life circle is attached with married life. The other life is customized by us. We have to face it we have to enjoy it but we should not violet the general rule of nature. 

    Risty (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'s Page
    Risty (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'s Page on MyEnglishClub
  • Hey there, Batu! Yes, exactly! Thanks for reminding me, both of that are must read blog, give me some time. :D

  • You’ve really got a brilliant mind Mary, if in case your family is kinda messy and has a tendency to sauté your boyfriend, this could be useful, yeah! HahI totally agree if the particular tradition forces or compels us to do things, sh*t is a subtle word to express for that..haha! However, if the tradition is somewhat logical and beneficial along the way I can stage a strike to promote that. And you know, some modern-liberalism way isn’t good at all, in order to be different they defy what is right and just. Some.

    But, this branding/tagging about relationship is really absurd, if she’s happy with her life, let her long as she doesn’t hurt anyone through her process.  

    If some social conventions are stupid, let’s make a way to change that and start that to the closest person from us-ourselves.

    Thanks for coming and serving your usual interesting point of view.

  • 'Boyfriend for rent', I find that useful somehow: to rent a fake boyfriend when you don't want to embarrass your real boyfriend in a family meeting, hahaha... 

    Anyway, it bores me a lil bit to talk about relationships because still there are soooooooooooooooooooo many social 'traditions' and pressures and sh*t... Society tell us how a 'normal' relationship should be... F*ck that! Every relationship is different and if the one you have fits with what you want, that's all what matters.

    Let's hope we can get rid of stupid social conventions some day and just Do & Be anything that make us happy.

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