The sunbathed island surrounded by turquoise water and white beaches promised a fantastic stay for a run down city dweller.

    From my hotel room by the seaside I could see a marvelous mountain with forest covered slopes which so charmingly tempted the visitors to climb to its not too high top. I decided that I would treck my way to the top right after breakfast.

  So, having finished my savory breakfast, i packed my rucksack and directed my steps towards the mountain admiring the lavish vegetation on my way. 

   Time went by almost unnoticed. Soon it was noon and I was about half way to the top. It never occured to my traffic fumes fogged mind, that such a climb would be pure torture for my feet. My pained feet just destroyed the adventurous mood of my outing. I just had to sit down in the shade and let my feet cool off.

   A short distance away, I spotted a big tree offering me the so needed shade and resting ground as there was lovely green grass arond the tree and a light breeze played among the tree tops. I limped to the shade and rested my tormented body on the cool green grass.

  I was just about to take out my pen knife and engrave my initials on the tree trunk when I caught the sight of something that looked like an alien flying saucer make a bee line towards me. It was not what I expected to see on that mountain slope.

  The alien saucer stopped a couple of feed away from me and I tried to pull our my camera from the rucksac but my fingers were too shake to perform that. A doorway on one side of the flying saucer opened, and an emabarrassed cyber voice asked -

Excuse me, earthling, do happen to have some spare toilet paper? 

   I was too surprised and dumbstruck to say anything. I reached into my rucksack and took out a roll of toilet paper and handed it to the waiting cyber hand. The hand took it and started to withdraw when it stopped as if something came to its cyber mind. The hand unrolled about 1/3 of the total toilet paper length and handed it to me. An almost human voice said:

- Just in case!

and the saucer zoomed out of sight. 

  Yeah, you are right, and I zoomed back to the hotel and spent the rest of my stay in a more civilised way.



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  • LOL Rys.......loved this!!!!!!  You are one like no other ma' cherie.....always and forever......HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

  • again one more  proof of the  incredible stream of your word world....a rich world which  is worth of amazement!

    (may I copy your text?);)just in case i wouldnt have an inet connection and would burn up with the desire to read a piece by you! ok i did it , without waiting for your Answer great MACHO!

  • Amazing story ryz :D 

    But the question is: Do aliens need toilet papers too? O_o

  • Hehehe .. what a polite alien. At least it was gentleman enough to leave a little bit of toilet paper for the poor soul. :D :D I wonder, does the alien looked like a little bit of the Whizzing Yeti? LOL

    Anyway, just have a look on my story about Luci's Adventure To Pluto. I think you will find some familiar faces in the blog. LOL

  • rysz, u made me laugh :D cyber hand got me!! perfect!
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