Dear food lovers, especially those who are into sweets. I am calling youuuuuuuuuu to gather here right now, don't miss your unique chance! Well, I would like to introduce you Bábovka [ba:bofka], which is one of the traditional Czech sweet dishes. You can have it for breakfast or enjoy it as a snack with a cup of coffee or tea during the day. It is very easy to prepare and also easily eaten as it is so delicious :-) In fact, it is something homemade and honestly, I rarely saw bábovka in caffé, maybe I can run such kind of business! Anyway, you can come across bábovka also in Germany, France or Austria and because people in the past immigrated, you can taste it even in the USA or Australia! However, here we have many various kinds of it such as bábovka made of almonds, banana, puding powder etc. - so I can say we are bábovka's imperium.

I hope at least some of you are now mouthwatering and curious to get to know, what you need for it to prepare it. Well… let me tell you that you need an OVEN because without oven you wouldn't be able to bake it. In case you don't have it, just go to the store and buy some or maybe even better, order it online! :-D Let's skip this part you have been waiting for ages to get your oven and let me ask you to go to the kitchen and find your MUG (250ml) - hope you all have it. Before you start baking, be sure you have all the ingredients at home – to avoid running to the store with dirty hands in the middle of this process :-)


3 eggs

¾ mug of suggar

2 mugs of all propoused flour

1 mug of milk

½ mug of vegetable oil

1 package of baking powder (12g)

1 package of vanilla suggar (12g) – optional

little bit of grated lemon peel - optional

2 table spoons of cocoa (Holland cocoa is the best)



1. As we are going to make a dough – you need a BOWL, where you will put all above mentioned ingredients. So take your bowl and firstly put suggar and eggs in it.

2. Now be ready with your HAND BLENDER and start blending it, it should take you like 3 minutes.

3. Add milk, oil, flour, vanilla suggar, baking powder, grated lemon peel and start again blending this all to get some kind of dough – let me show you its consistence.

4. Time to start with some magics. Find some smaller bowl and put there 1/3 of dough. Then add cocoa and make it kinda chocolate dough, yeah you have to stir it properly.

5. Well, maybe you will hate me now but as you see the shape of BÁBOVKA – it isn't just something, what you would be able to make by own hands :-D You need a form – let me show you my silicon form but it is old, so don't get scared :-D btw don't dare to stop reading right now as you got depressed you have no form, I have another option for you :-)

6. You can also bake it in a cake form – I think it would be just different shape – but the taste would be the same! So.. firstly use white dough – half of it, then add on this white part that one chocolate dough and then use the rest of white dough. Easy, right?

7. Preheat the oven for 180C and put bábovka inside – bake it for first 10 minutes like this, then reduce the temperature in oven to 150C and bake it for 40 minutes.

8. To recognize, if it is done – just use something you would stick in it and if the dough would be stuck around, it is not done yet.

9. Remove bábovka from the oven and let it rest and cool down little bit. Later remove the form and enjoy its awesome taste :-)

B o n  A p e t i t, guys...

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  • Hello, Miss Czech Republic!

    Here's my version of your Babovka that you've been waiting for ages hi hi. Please don't laugh, okay?


    Robbie :P

    My Philippine Version of Bábovka
    Ahoj! Here’s a blog about my first attempt of trying Miss Czech Republic’s ‘Babovka’ recipe. Please bear with the delay. I must have been high due to…
  • @ Elen

    I'm curious to see a Greek version of Babovka! You're right! Pound cake is the English term of this cake. Some people put orange glaze or anything that is sweet on top of the cake. :)

  • Luci, this is something that we make very often! The recipe is exactly the same! Here we call it keik (cake). It is a classical sweet. We also use the same cake form. The mixture is so delicious that in the end I always keep some for me and I eat it with the spoon. :D The rest it goes in to the oven. :D

    I didn't know that it is a traditional Czesh sweet and that is called babovka. Just some days ago I learned that in english is called pound cake or something like that.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  • "I baked chocolate muffins recently for the first time..will show you" Oh my! You hate me! D:  You wanna torture me showing me a delicious thing that I won't eat :((((
    But maybe you made a mistake in that sentence and where you wrote "show" you meant "send" :D

    Ugh sorry, I think i've never heard anyone speaking Czech, neither read it :S  But good to know!

    Okay, so add some Czech rum and give me the bottle of vodka for later!

  • Mary,
    no worries when we share one room in the madhouse, I will bake babovka for you :D btw hahahaa you will go to that one place...ehm .. kitchen u dunno where it is :p I baked chocolate muffins recently for the first time..will show you ;) thanx for loving me more now because of my bakery/babovkery abilities :D btw Czech is slavic language, so it might lil bit sounds like Russian (bleee will slap ya!!!) and instead of adding vodka... we add Czech rum :p
  • Keen,
    well depends on :) I would say it is breakfast for four - five adults...
  • *drooling* O_____O

    Luci!! Please, adopt me! I wanna eat Babovka for breakfast everydayyyy!!!

    Ugh I hate not having patience for cooking.... But I've to try this one! So I guess I'll have to go to that place erm... how people call it... mmmm... Kitchen! XD

    Good that is so very well explained and so funny! The clumsy me can follow every step ^_^  I'd love to read cooking books more if they were written like this blog! :D

    "I rarely saw bábovka in caffé, maybe I can run such kind of business!" -- Yes please! So you won't have to adopt me and I'll be your best customer instead! ^_^

    Btw, babovka sounds russian... it makes me want to add vodka to the dough... can I? :D 

  • You didn't mention how many people, excluding gourmand, can digest it simultaneously :)
  • Eman...thanx :) I like to bake too..just then I can't eat it :D would be fat pig!
  • Evaaa... Thank u! I would even give u one piece :D
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