Rambling Of An Old Lady

Due to my hectic work schedule, I found myself having less time to write. My mind can't come up with anything. The dreaded thing is happening to me. I'm hitting the bricks wall. No matter how much I want to write about something, anything, nothing is the answer. Everything remains blank.

I guess my brain is taking a silent vow and refusing to come up with anything. It's like it is reaffirming what WMW always said about me. That I was always hibernating. I can't let it slides. I need to prove that my brain is just taking a snooze rather than hibernating. Thus, I have to come up with something. I have to write, even just a nonsensical rambling. I need to kick-start my sleepy brain. LOL.

While reading a few blogs, I was struck with something. Call it a hammer knocking on my thick head, or just a simple observation. I can't stop thinking about it. Why are we HERE? Here as not in MyEC, but here as in the blog section. Why are we blogging? Are we masochists? Is the punishment of work place not enough for us, that we need to crack our head to write something in unfamiliar language? Is it simply a new form of 'selfie'? Why am I feel anxiety when I can't write anything for a few weeks? 

I wish I knew the answers to all those questions so that I can put them in the 'solved' compartment, lock it and throw away the key. I tried to answer some of the questions in my blog Write 2 Connect, but I think it's bigger than that. Gosh!

I guess for the next few weeks, I will tear a few hair out from my head. Until my work schedule is back to normal and my Boss decided not to smirk too much, I guess I have to ramble on and on and on.


This blog is dedicated to AH_TK who keeps on pushing me to write a blog. AH_TK, I hope you won't regret it. LOL

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  • Mr. Bob, thank you for your suggestion on the website. I've browsed through some of the topics, though to tell you the truth, my mind just drew blank. 

    Like you said, maybe I need a long snooze from all these. Furthermore, it's been a while since I write anything, not even comments, that I don't know where to start. It's like starting all over again, just maybe this time it will be easier.

  • Hi dear Sewar

    Thank you for your encouraging words. I do wish I can keep on writing, but unfortunately, I have not a single idea what to write at the moment. Maybe because by the end of the day, I was just too exhausted to even think a single thing. 

    Anyway, I hope this hectic work schedule will ends soon enough, and I will be able to at least write a simple thing, even if it is just another rambling.

    God bless you.

  • I have always loved your blogs. When I have been too busy to visit here for a while, I always come to your blogs for a good read. If you have other things weighing on your mind, you might just need some time to recover. Your blog before this was about such a sad topic that it may have affected you deeply. I am often affected for a while by tragedy and death like that.

    I can give you the same suggestion that I gave Dani if you just need some inspiration. I showed her a website called Listenaminute.com and had her listen to any topic she was interested in. Then I had her write a blog about one of those topics after it got her thinking about her own experiences.
    The difference is that she is new to writing and couldn't think where to begin. You, on the other hand, are an experienced blogger. Sometimes a mental snooze is helpful and sometimes we need something to inspire us and make our creative juices begin to flow. The site I suggested has worked very well to get my Japanese students inspired to talk about and write about new topics. Maybe it will be helpful for you too. I do look forward to your next blog. :)
  • 2389245211?profile=original        My dearest friend, is it enough for you, to keep writing blogs, to know that; your blogs are our joy??!!!!!! Please my friend, stop thinking in such questions. Sometimes thinking is the only enemy of creativity. Just get up and show us your sharp pen!!!!!!  God bless you for ever after.

  • YES! YES! Seeker. I know when to pretend and when to snooze. LOL

  • Hehehe Seeker, thank you for your re-affirmation that I'm just snoozing a little tiniest bit. I never ever, never ever hibernating like being claimed by some member who should remained nameless. LOL

  • Thank you Afroza. I think I will take my own sweet time since the Smirk is giving me too many things to do in the office. LOL

  • Take your time....NOA!

  • Sono,

    I love reading too. I always admire all those writers who can put their thoughts into words. Then I tried writing blogs in MyEC. Though I still struggle, it's getting easier. I may not be a prolific writer, but it is for own satisfaction when I know I can at least put my thought into simple words. I think you should try it too. Sooner or later, you will be able to do it.

  • There are rambling thoughts. Emotions, usually. Which is a dangerous thing for a writer to admit.
    I have considered there are still many emotions which find difficult to put into words.
    I have a slight obsession in reading but in writing I'm not.
    I get bored in writing sometimes, and get happiness and ideas for comments during reading sometimes.
    This is actually the only site I'm currently on for writing, though I'm ESL student
    Read books and listen music when I'm bored writing out whatever comes to mind.
    You keep continue your efforts for us, we likes to read your writing stuff. Miss noaslpls, have a wonderful time.

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