Proud to be MOM!

     It has been said many times that becoming a mother is one of the essence of  being a woman. A special angel sent to earth in a special moment to announce his birth is a life's greatest miracle a mom could have. The most fulfilling experience any woman can go through.

     Seeing our little angels growing up is a wonderful journey yet sometimes road to motherhood is not easy at first but once you learn and understand the whole process it won't be scary experience at all. With moms tender love and care there is nothing to be worry. Eventually,you will be marvel at your childs' development.

     As a mother we have to be thoughtful and considerate,build our child self- respect,setting goals, provide them knowledge and educaton for education is the big investment we can offer to our child,lead them to hardwork and discilpine,and spiritual guidance. Encourage our child to use prayer as an aid to achieving success.

     It is a great pleasure to become one of the billion of mother. And I affectionately dedicate this to my son Eric Joe and Akira. Children are the most precious and special gift to parent like me.

     I am proud to be mom :).



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  • Congratulations. I'm a man but I have experienced through my wife that feeling. It's amazing. Look in her eyes just after the birth and see that mix of pain and happiness, and see our son... it's really a gift for a man's heart.
  • I fully understand your feelings, MileyJ. Children are a gift from God. Motherhood is an undescribable feeling,the most valuable one for every woman. I am happy to be mom too :)

    Take care! :)
  • Yes, you are right!You know motherhood is a great bless & those who are deprived from it most appreciate.
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