Proposal for a new addition to "My Page"

I'd like to make a proposal to make an addition to the "My Page" section. It would be nice to have it customizable where you can add your own features. I'd like to add an "about me" feature where you can tell more about yourself. In the "about me" section you might want to tell what type of food you like (or dislike), favorite vacation places, dreams of the future or just about anything you want.Another feature could be a "blank" subject line for you to put a title of anything you want. Then a box under the "blank" subject where you can tell about what the "blank subject" means to you. In my "blank subject" I'd put something like "Need help with English?" and in the box below I'd put my email information or Skype phone number if anyone had a need for help with their English questions.I am a somewhat new user so these features might already exist. If they do I'd like to hear about them.Peace,Boris
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