Pray for Egypt

Last Sunday, two Coptic churches in Egypt were attacked by terrorists killing more than 40 people who were attending the mass. Most of the victims were Christians participating for the Palm Sunday - the beginning of Lent. It’s an important event for Christians and Catholics alike. 

To all prayer warriors wherever you are, please include in your intentions and prayers those victims of terrible acts of cruelty especially terrorism around the globe particularly in Egypt and Sweden, as well as the poor victims of chemical attacks in Syria.

Prayers are powerful and the good intentions you wish for others could bring serenity to oneself spiritually and physically. Let’s be vigilant and remain resilient amid these horrible times.

May God bless and protect us all!

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  • Hi, Elf-Noor!

    Thank you for sharing your sympathy! Let's keep doing our best to live with peace and harmony and not let fear surround us.

    Stay safe,

    Robbie :)

  • really sad to hear this,..

    May Allah Protect them and save them....

    May Allah also protect us all...

  • Hello, Rosemary!

    Thank you for the comment and for your sympathy. Wishing you peace and happiness!

    Stay safe,


  • Hi, Rose!

    Thank you for commenting. Prayers are really not enough but a simple way to show solidarity for those who are following a certain religion. I wouldn't go into more details to contradict some of your views because this isn't the right place for me to do so.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate your empathy to the victims. I agree that the participation of everyone is quite essential with regards to living in peace and harmony by simply being proactive to combat terrorism since this could happen anywhere at any time.

    See you around,


  • Hello, Marshaa!

    Thanks a lot for leaving your comment here. Life is so precious and should be enjoyed by everyone.

    Take care,

    Robbie :)

  • Hi, Rebeka!

    Thank you for your comment! I truly appreciate your time and effort sharing your thoughts about this blog.

    Stay safe,

    Robbie :)

  • The Pew Research Study published by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life evaluates more than 2,500 surveys and surveys, including official censuses in the various states (as of 2010). Of the 6.9 billion inhabitants, 32 percent are Christians, 23 percent Muslims, 15 percent Hindus, 7 percent Buddhists, 6 percent followers of natural religions, 0.2 percent Jews, and 0.8 percent followers of smaller religions.

    I think, the most of them pray. I think they also pray for freedom and peace.
    But we have to recognize, it doesn't help. Instead to pray people should avoid to hate, to argue about religions, we should avoid prejudice and selfishness. Every single religion tells her believers to live in peace with everyone ... EVERYONE should ask himself if he follows the rules of his religion and if he is able and willing to accept and to respect the freedom and the right of uninjured life for everyone.
    I have made my own decision and I am an atheist. But it doesn't mean I am without conscience and values.

    Praying and asking god for help isn't enough, even not for believers. Humans have to act.

    My sincere condolence for every single victim of terroristic attacks and wars around the world!  Every single death is one too much... but it isn't enough to pray ...  Humans should stand up in unity... and fight for a better world  .... side by side.

  • Heard it by TV news and felt so sad. Yes, prayer can change this terrorism situation and pray to GOD from my bottom heart. Thanks dear Robbie for sharing your deep emotion.

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